$Unique_ID{COW01436} $Pretitle{353} $Title{Ghana Bibliography. Other Sources Used, A through H} $Subtitle{} $Author{} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{ghana london africa african university new accra press october journal} $Date{1970} $Log{} Country: Ghana Book: Area Handbook for Ghana Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1970 Bibliography. Other Sources Used, A through H Adedeji, Adebayo. "Prospects of Regional Economic Cooperation in West Africa," Journal of Modern African Studies [London], VIII, No. 2, July 1970, 213-231. Adubamah, E. Y. "The New Yam Festival: Traditional," West Africa [London], No. 2,784, October 17, 1970, 1211-1213. Afreh, D. Kwame. "The Busia Administration and the Law," Legon Observer, V, No. 20, September 25-October 8, 1970, 20-24. Afreh, D. Kwame. "Constitution Aimed Against Dictators," Financial Times [London], October 20, 1970, 19. _____. "Ghana." Pages 25-39 in Antony A. Allot (ed.), Judicial and Legal Systems in Africa. 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