$Unique_ID{COW01271} $Pretitle{228} $Title{Ethiopia Statistical Profile of Ethiopia} $Subtitle{} $Author{Central Intelligence Agency} $Affiliation{United States Government} $Subject{km rate government september total ethiopia fy87 population president administrative} $Date{1990} $Log{National Anthem*57100010.aud Map of Ethiopia*0127101.scf Flag of Ethiopia*0127102.scf } Country: Ethiopia Book: CIA World Factbook Author: Central Intelligence Agency Affiliation: United States Government Date: 1990 [Hear National Anthem] [See Map of Ethiopia] [See Flag of Ethiopia] Statistical Profile of Ethiopia Geography Total area: 1,221,900 km2; land area: 1,101,000 km2 Comparative area: slightly less than twice the size of Texas Land boundaries: 5,141 km total; Djibouti 459 km, Kenya 861 km, Somalia 1,600 km, Sudan 2,221 km Coastline: 1,094 km Maritime claim: Territorial sea: 12 nm Disputes: southern half of the boundary with Somalia is a Provisional Administrative Line; possible claim by Somalia based on unification of ethnic Somalis; territorial dispute with Somalia over the Ogaden; separatist movement in Eritrea; antigovernment insurgency in Tigray Climate: tropical monsoon with wide topographic-induced variation; prone to extended droughts Terrain: high plateau with central mountain range divided by Great Rift Valley Natural resources: small reserves of gold, platinum, copper, potash Land use: 12% arable land; 1% permanent crops; 41% meadows and pastures; 24% forest and woodland; 22% other; includes NEGL% irrigated Environment: geologically active Great Rift Valley susceptible to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions; deforestation; overgrazing; soil erosion; desertification; famine Note: strategic geopolitical position along world's busiest shipping lanes and close to Arabian oilfields; major resettlement project ongoing in rural areas will significantly alter rural geography, population distribution, and settlement patterns over the next several decades People Population: 49,762,492 (July 1989), growth rate 3.1% (1989) Birth rate: 45 births/1,000 population (1989) Death rate: 15 deaths/1,000 population (1989) Net migration rate: 0 migrants/1,000 population (1989) Infant mortality rate: 113 deaths/1,000 live births (1989) Life expectancy at birth: 50 years male, 53 years female (1989) Total fertility rate: 7.0 children born/woman (1989) Nationality: noun--Ethiopian(s); adjective--Ethiopian Ethnic divisions: 40% Oromo, 32% Amhara and Tigrean, 9% Sidamo, 6% Shankella, 6% Somali, 4% Afar, 2% Gurage, 1% other Religion: 40-45% Muslim, 35-40% Ethiopian Orthodox, 15-20% animist, 5% other Language: Amharic (official), Tigrinya, Orominga, Arabic, English (major foreign language taught in schools) Literacy: 35% (est.) Labor force: NA; 90% agriculture and animal husbandry; 10% government, military, and quasi-government; 51% of population of working age (1985) Organized labor: All Ethiopian Trade Union formed by the government in January 1977 to represent 273,000 registered trade union members Government Long-form name: People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Type: Communist state Capital: Addis Ababa Administrative divisions: 14 administrative regions (plural--NA, singular--kifle hager); Arsi, Bale, Eritrea, Gamo Gofa, Gojam, Gonder, Harerge, Ilubabor, Kefa, Shewa, Sidamo, Tigray, Welega, Welo; note--the administrative structure may have changed to 25 administrative regions (astedader akababiwach, singular--astedader akababee) and 5 autonomous regions* (rasgez akababiwach, singular--rasgez akababee); Addis Ababa, Arsi, Aseb*, Asosa, Bale, Borena, Dire Dawa*, East Gojam, East Harerge, Eritrea*, Gambela, Gamo Gofa, Ilubabor, Kefa, Metekel, Nazaret, North Gonder, North Shewa, North Welo, Ogaden*, Omo, Sidamo, South Gonder, South Shewa, South Welo, Tigray*, Welega, West Gojam, West Harerge, West Shewa Independence: oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world--at least 2,000 years Constitution: 12 September 1987 Legal system: complex structure with civil, Islamic, common, and customary law influences; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: National Revolution Day, 12 September (1974) Branches: executive power exercised by president, elected for five-year term by the National Assembly (Shengo); 835-member legislature has nominal powers, elected every five years; Cabinet headed by prime minister, appointed by president; judiciary at higher levels based on Western pattern, at lower levels on traditional pattern Leader: Chief of State--President MENGISTU Haile-Mariam (Chairman from September 1977 until becoming President on 10 September 1987); Vice President FISSEHA Desta (since 10 September 1987); Head of Government--Prime Minister FIKRE-SELASSIE Wogderess (since 10 September 1987) Suffrage: all citizens 18 years of age and over Elections: National Assembly elected in June 1987; President elected in September 1987 Political party and leader: Ethiopian Workers Party (WPE), Mengistu Haile-Mariam, secretary general Other political or pressure groups: important dissident groups include Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) in Eritrea; Tigrean People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in Tigray and Welo Provinces; Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF) in the Ogaden region Member of: AfDB, CCC, ECA, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICO, ICAO, IDA, IFAD, IFC, ILO, IMF, IMO, INTELSAT, INTERPOL, IPU, ITU, NAM, OAU, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WFTU, WHO, WMO, WTO Diplomatic representation: Counselor, Charge d'Affaires ad interim GIRMA Amare; Chancery at 2134 Kalorama Road NW, Washington DC 20008; telephone (202) 234-2281 or 2282; US--Charge d'Affaires Robert G. HOUDEK; Embassy at Entoto Street, Addis Ababa (mailing address is P.O. Box 1014, Addis Ababa); telephone 254-233-4141 Flag: three equal horizontal bands of green (top), yellow, and red; Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and the colors of her flag were so often adopted by other African countries upon independence that they became known as the pan-African colors Economy Overview: Ethiopia is one of the poorest and least developed countries in Africa. Its economy is based on subsistence agriculture, which accounts for about 45% of GDP, 90% of exports, and 85% of total employment; coffee generates over 60% of export earnings. The manufacturing sector is heavily dependent on inputs from the agricultural sector. The economy is centrally planned, and over 90% of large-scale industry is state run. An ambitious three-year plan with a goal of food self-sufficiency was announced in 1986. GDP: $5.7 billion, per capita $130, real growth rate 3.4% (FY87 est.) Inflation rate (consumer prices): - 2.4% (1987) Unemployment rate: 34% (FY87) Budget: revenues $1.4 billion; expenditures $1.9 billion, including capital expenditures of $0.7 billion (FY87) Exports: $390 million (f.o.b., FY87 est.); commodities--coffee 60%; partners--US, FRG, Djibouti, Japan, PDRY, France, Italy Imports: $900 million (c.i.f., FY87 est.), commodities--food; partners--USSR, Italy, FRG, Japan, UK, US, France (1985) External debt: $2.6 billion (1988) Industrial production: growth rate 12.8% (1986 est.) Electricity: 330,000 kW capacity; 765 million kWh produced, 15 kWh per capita (1988) Industries: cement, textiles, food processing, oil refinery Agriculture: coffee, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, meat, hides and skins Aid: NA Currency: birr (plural--birr); 1 birr (Br) = 100 cents Exchange rates: birr (Br) per US $1--2.0700 (fixed rate) Fiscal year: 8 July-7 July Communications Railroads: 992 km total; 685 km 1.000-meter gauge; 307 km 0.950-meter gauge Highways: 44,300 km total; 3,888 km bituminous, 8,344 km gravel, 2,456 km improved earth, 29,612 km unimproved earth Ports: Aseb, Mitsiwa Merchant marine: 14 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 71,837 GRT/90,492 DWT; includes 9 cargo, 1 refrigerated cargo, 1 roll-on/roll off cargo, 1 livestock carrier, 2 petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) tanker Civil air: 25 major transport aircraft Airports: 153 total, 112 usable; 9 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways over 3,659 m; 10 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 49 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: open-wire and radio relay system adequate for government use; open-wire to Sudan and Djibouti; radio relay to Kenya and Djibouti; stations--4 AM, no FM, 1 TV; 45,000 TV sets; 2,000,000 radio receivers; 1 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT satellite ground station Defense Forces Branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Air Defense Military manpower: males 15-49, 11,010,004; 5,695,433 fit for military service; 554,196 reach military age (18) annually Military budget: $442.2 million, 20.1% of central government budget (FY87)