$Unique_ID{COW00782} $Pretitle{359} $Title{Chad Bibliography. Recommended Sources} $Subtitle{} $Author{Margarita Dobert} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{paris africa du tchad chad la de et le } $Date{1972} $Log{} Country: Chad Book: Chad, A Country Study Author: Margarita Dobert Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1972 Bibliography. Recommended Sources Alima, Jos Blaise. "Le Tchad entre la guerre et la paix," Jeune Afrique [Paris], No. 545, June 15, 1971, 30-32. Ballard, John A. "Four Equatorial States." Pages 231-336 in Gwendolen Carter (ed.), National Unity and Regionalism in Eight African States. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1966. "Behind the Chad Plot," West Africa [London], No. 86, 1969, 39-50. Booth, Richard. Armed Forces of African States, 1970. (Adelphi Papers.) No. 67, May 1970, London: Institute for Strategic Studies, 1970. Brandily, Monique. "Missions au Tchad-1965, Ethnomusicology," Africa [Tervueren, Belgium], XII, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966, 100-104. Chad. Ministere de l'Information. Annuaire official du Tchad, 1970. Chad. Ministere du Plan et de la Cooperation. Connaissance du Tchad. Paris: Secretariat d'etat aux affaires etrangeres charge de la cooperation, 1969. DeCraene, Phillippe. "Chad at World's End," Africa Report, January 1968, XIII, No. 1, 54-58. _____. "Chad: A Withdrawal of Sorts," Le Monde [Paris], June 24-30, 1971, 3. Dennis, Pierre. "Essai sur l'artisanat tchadien," Africa [Tervueren, Belgium], III and IV, 1967, 95-100. _____. "Les calebasses au Tchad," Notes Africaines IFAN [Dakar], CXVIII, April 1968, 53-57. Fortier, J. "Rites et coutumes d'une tribu Sara: les Mbaye de Maissala," Bulletin, Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire [Dakar], XX, Nos. 1-2, 1958, 142-169. Fuchs, Peter. Tschad. Bonn: Kurt Schroeder, 1966. Grove, A. T. "Lake Chad," Geographical Magazine [London], XXIX, No. 3, 1964, 524-537. "La guerre du B.E.T. region aura lieu," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], No. 59, November 1970, 14-17. Hallaire, Jacques. "Chretiens africains face a l'initiation ancestrale (Sara)." Etudes [Paris], April 1967, 482-494. Hoagland, James. "Chad Limps Along on a French Crutch," Washington Post, August 3, 1970, A-12. _____. "Chad: Respite in the Two-Year Rebellion," Washington Post, August 2, 1970, A-25. Hugot, Pierre. Le Tchad. Paris: Nouvelles editions latines, 1965. International Yearbook of Education, 1969, XXXI. Geneva: International Bureau of Education, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1970. Jaulin, Robert. La mort Sara. Paris: Plor, 1967. Lebeuf, Annie M. D. Les populations du Tchad (Nord du 10e parallele). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1959. Le Cornec, Jacques. Histoire politique du Tchad de 1900 a 1962. Paris: Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1963. Le Rouvreur, Albert. Saheliens et Sahariens du Tchad. Paris: Editions Berger-Levrault, 1962. "Les evenements du Tchad," L'Afrique et l'Asie [Paris], No. 86, 1969, 39-50. McEvan, P. J. M. (ed.) Twentieth Century Africa. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. "La minute de verite," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], No. 66, June 1971, 16-18. Mytelka, Lynn Krieger. "Common Market with Some Uncommon Problems," Africa Report, XV, No. 7, October 1970, 14-17. Pledge, Robert. "France at War in Africa," Africa Report, XV, No. 6, June 1970, 16-19. "La Republique du Tchad," Notes et etudes documentaries [Paris], No. 3411, July 18, 1967, 1-63. Salacuse, Jeswald W. An Introduction to Law in French-Speaking Africa, I: French-Speaking Africa South of the Sahara. Charlottesville: Michie, 1969. Sasnett, Martena, and Sepmeyer, Inez. Educational Systems of Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. "Le temps a travaille pour M. Francois Tombalbaye," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], No. 51, March 1970, 12-14. Thompson, Virginia, and Adloff, Richard. The Emerging States of French Equatorial Africa. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960.