MacWeb Developer Notes

Last Update: 07Dec94

This document contains Developer Notes for the following releases of MacWeb:

This document also contains Acknowledgements.

Developer Notes for MacWeb Version 1.00ALPHA3

Developer Notes for MacWeb version 1.00ALPHA3, dated 07Dec94, contain the following sections:

Release Notes

Known Problems

Things To Work On

Change History

*	Fixed bug in macHTInline so inline images are rendered internally
	independent of Helper "launch" bit.  ([Command]-clicking on an img
	(inlined or not) will cause it to be viewed externally.
	[Command]-[Option]-clicking will toggle the state of the "launch" bit.)
*	Fixed bug caused by unnecessarily locking/unlocking LineEnds handle.
*	Fixed bug in autloading images to prevent it from attempting to load
	icon images.
		Reported by Mike Timmons (

*	Fixed bug so messages accompanying 403 and 404 server responses are
	parsed and displayed (instead of a simple dialog).
*	Fixed bug so URLs are not "proxified" more than once!
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Fixed link highlighting so images are simply outlined.
		Reported by Mike Timmons (
*	Modified macHTInline so non-inline images are rendered by MacWeb
	(or externally) based on state of Helper "launch" bit.

*	Fixed fatal memory overwrite bug in HTErrorMsg.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Fixed bug in ResizeRectsMainW so it recalcs lines from the correct starting index.
		Reported by Mike Timmons (
*	Fixed bug in DoSearch so it doesn't set the active document to nil.
		Reported by Mike Timmons (
*	Fixed bug in LoadURL so MIME header isn't automatically stripped.
*	Fixed SGML parser so doublequote ('"') missing from attribute value is now
	implicitly closed by element close (i.e., ">").
		Reported by Stan Kerr (
*	Added [command]-S as a keyboard equivalent to File-SaveAs.
*	Fixed bug in html parser that presumed Anchor TITLE and NAME attributes wouldn't
	be used together.
		Reported by Tom Coradeschi (

*	Changed entity names to map to ISO names (Pi, ge, infin, le, ne).
*	Modified event handling during download to allow moving windows.
		Reported by Matt Cockerill (
*	Fixed that nagging URL display resize bug!
*	Fixed bug in loading images whose SRC has no suffix.
		Reported by Dan Bornstein (
*	Fixed bug in character mappings of new entities (PI, beta, copy (circle-c), delta,
	gteq, infinity, lteq, mu, neq, omega, para (paragraph), pi, pound (UK), register (circle-r),
	sigma, trade (tm)).
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Fixed bug in DoReload so new TITLEs are handled correctly.
		Reported by Kevin Morris (
*	Fixed bug in OpenURL that prevented the loading of NAMEd anchors.  Also fixed related
	bug that prevented scrolling to NAMEd anchors the first time a document was loaded.
		Reported by Carl Bachmann (

*	Fixed bug in submission of FORMs with multiple "submit" inputs.
*	Fixed bug in loading of images after POST.
*	Fixed TEXTAREAs so embedded newlines (\n's) are preserved.
*	Modified Image loading so they're shown as they're retrieved.
*	Fixed bug in interpretation of "Content-type:" header.  (It's case INsensitive.)
		Reported by Dan Pritchett (
*	Fixed bug in calling of HTTP "sendCallback" hook.
		Reported by Mike Timmons (
*	Added flag controlling whether PORT (default) or PASV is first state of FTP.

*	Fixed that nasty "occasional wrong color" drawing bug.
*	Modified drawing of HRs so they appear 3D.  (The Style of HR is now editable
*	Modified HTAABrow so it intelligently "borrows" authentication information.
*	Modified hteINPUT_CalcRect so it computes "password" field sizes correctly.
		Reported by Kevin Morris (

*	Fixed bug preventing the loading of local images.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Fixed bug in accumulation of "Welcome" messages.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Fixed bug so "Hotlist to Open at Startup" opens correctly.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Modified FORM submission to be more efficient (for relatively small data).
*	Fixed bug in gathering state of not yet displayed "radio" FORM INPUTs.
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Fixed Preferences to account for emailAddress changing from PStr to CStr!
		Reported Chuck Shotton (
*	Fixed bug in POST FORM submission.  (An extra "CRLF" was being inserted in
	the middle of the request MIME header.)
		Reported by John C. Mallery (

*	Modified Preferences editing so Email Address is now used in relevant
	libwww modules (e.g., FTP).
*	Fixed that nagging Window Background Color Preference "drawing in the
	wrong color" bug!
		Reported by David Wald (
*	Fixed reset and insertion/overwrite bugs with "password" INPUTs.
		Reported by Kevin Morris (
*	Fixed bug so "hidden" INPUTs now occupy *no* screen space.
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Added "Add URL to Hotlist..." to LinkOps menu.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Added support for "bookmarks" (File->SaveURL...).
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Modified local file handler so URLs are unescaped before resolving
	to a local file.
		Reported by Lincoln Stein (
*	Modified temp file creation so URL names are first unescaped.
*	Integrated latest CERN Library (2.17).
*	Added "£" entity.
		Reported by Ivan Pope (
*	Added "NoProxy Info".
		Reported by Kevin Altis (
*	Modified parser to accommodate ACTION attribute for ISINDEX.
		Reported by Henry Rzepa (
*	Added support for BASE.
*	Augmented handling of ISINDEX to include appropriate single input FORM.
		Reported by Roy SeGuine (
*	Modified gathering of FORM state so lone input named "isindex" will not
	contribute "[name]=" to the submitted state.
		Reported by Chris Umbricht (
*	Added STR# "Defaults" Resource that allows specification of Temp Docs folder.
		Reported by Kurt Olsen (
*	Fixed bug in freeing of FORM SELECTs.
		Reported by Robert A. Lentz (
*	Fixed bug in macHTFWriter so aborted inline image transfers clean up properly.
		Reported by Ted Brown.
*	Fixed bug that prevented adding single character suffixes.
		Reported by Erik Meijer (
*	Fixed (crash!) bug for IMG with src attribute, but no attribute value.
		Reported by Mark Borges (
*	Modified FORM submission so state of "submit" INPUTs is appropriately included.
*	Added default suffix for ".ps" and MIME info for "application/postscript.
		Reported by Henrik Gedenryd (
*	Fixed bugs in HTML generator for TEXTAREAs and "hidden" INPUTs.
*	Suppressed status line message generated by simple, named anchors.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Modified File->Preferences so new background color is
	propagated to all open windows.

Developer Notes for MacWeb Version 1.00ALPHA2.2

Developer Notes for MacWeb version 1.00ALPHA2.2, dated 18Aug94, contain the following sections:

Release Notes

Known Problems

Things To Work On

Change History

*	Suppressed status line message generated by simple, named anchors.
*	Modified File->Preferences so new background color is
	propagated to all open windows.
*	Added DNS caching.
		Reported Chuck Shotton (
*	Fixed a couple of bugs in transparent GIF code.
		Reported by Robert A. Lentz (
*	Fixed bug in "Add This Document" Hotlist command.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (

Developer Notes for MacWeb Version 1.00ALPHA2.1

Developer Notes for MacWeb version 1.00ALPHA2.1, dated 12Aug94, contain the following sections:

Release Notes

Known Problems

Things To Work On

Change History

*	Added IMAGE INPUT type.
		Reported by Paul Burchard (
*	Added registration of application/html MIME type.
		Reported by Philip Greenspun (
*	Fixed bug in loading a named anchor that is redirected and no longer named.
		Reported by Denis W DeLaRoca (
*	Fixed bug in Temp Folder selection dialog to allow selection of Desktop
	Folder for non-startup volumes.
*	Fixed bug in parsing of XBMs declared as "static unsigned char".
*	Modified MainW so it always resizes and respositions all widgets.  (This
	allows the default window size to be changed by simply editing the WIND
		Reported by Donald J. Napoli (
*	Added missing '\r' after each LI to Hotlist SaveAs...html.  Added
	missing UL, /UL, and preceeding "H1 MacWeb Hotlist/H1", too.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Added length checking to hotlist entry creation (to correspond to
	recent data structure downsizing).  Prevents menu strings from overrunning
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Added "nntp" as a registered protocol equivalent to "news".
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Modified PrefsD so background color can only be edited on color
	QuickDraw machines.
		Reported by Krzysztof Szeloch (
*	Fixed bug in positioning of LinkOps menu.
		Reported by Dave April (
*	Added more text to AboutD.
		Reported by Sandy Cavalli (
*	Fixed bug so character translation is initialized from Prefs.
		Reported by Shouichi Matsui (
*	Modified password INPUTs so they correctly initialize given a VALUE.
		Reported by Kevin Morris (
*	Fixed random Quit bug (memory being deallocated twice).
		Reported by Mike West (
*	Fixed large file download bug.  (This also fixes the http crashes on
	68000 Macs.)
		Reported by Eric A Perlman (

Developer Notes for MacWeb Version 1.00ALPHA2

Developer Notes for MacWeb version 1.00ALPHA2, dated 18Jul94, contain the following sections:

Release Notes

Known Problems

Things To Work On

Change History

*	Fixed bug in wwwConfirmMessage -- it wasn't including args in message.
*	Fixed bug in View Suffix Info -- MIMETypesM wasn't getting init'd.
*	Fixed bug in loading of Suffix and MIME info.
		Reported by Henry Rzepa (
*	Fixed bug in MIME "UseURL" filename option.
		Reported by Henry Rzepa (
*	Fixed bug in EOL conversion.
		Reported by Henry Rzepa (
*	Added support for http server status 301.
*	Changed HTAppVersion so it's now init'd from the VERS resource.
*	Removed Children entry from Navigate menu.
		Reported by Thomas Gunter (
*	Changed (command) keys for Helpers (M), Suffixes (;), and Search (').
		Reported by Thomas Gunter (
*	Modified MacWeb so it can now Quit when the Console window is exposed.
		Reported by Thomas Gunter (
*	Changed hotlists to allow Macintosh menu escape characters *iff* the
	menu string begins with a semi-colon (';');
*	Modified setting of News host to properly reinitialize.
*	Modified ftp parsing code to handle slightly different flavors of Unix (or
	at least Unix-like) ftp servers.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Added a file filter to the SFGet dialog presented the Add MIME Info dialog's
	"Select..." button.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Changed button names to "More Options" and "Fewer Options".
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Removed "Suffixes..." and "MIME..." buttons from Edit MIME and Edit Suffixes.
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Changed default MIME type for EditMIME->New from "????" to "type/subtype".
*	Fixed list display bug in GetTypeD (in the case that the list isn't used).
*	Moved icons in Gopher menu listings *inside* anchor definitions.  (You can
	now click on them to traverse link!)
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Fixed crashing bug in EditMIMED's "New...".
		Reported by Henry Rzepa ( and Michael Newbery.
*	Fixed crashing bug in GetType and GetTypeD.
*	Modified EditMIMED to initially enable "Convert EOL" checkbox correctly.
*	Fixed a bug in the buffering code shared by ftp, gopher, and nntp.
		Reported by Michael Newbery (
*	Added hotlist sorting.
		Reported by John C. Mallery (
*	Fixed bug in drawing of elements nested within PRE.
		Reported by John C. Mallery MIME and MIME->Helper GUIs for clarity.
		Reported by Adam Elman (
*	Changed default size of PRE font to be -2 relative.
*	Modified code that adjusts line height from font to allow a leading
	of no less than 2.
		Reported by Jim Harrison (
*	Fixed bug in Edit Styles dialog.  It wasn't updating "Size Is Relative" info.
		Reported by Jim Harrison (
*	Fixed bug in saving of MacMosaic hotlists.
		Reported by Steve Goldstein (
*	Added UseURLOption to MIME info.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Modified HTParseSocket so it's smarter about when to use HTCopy and 
		Reported by Laurie Gelb (
*	Fixed bug in redirection resulting from POST submission method.
		Reported by Kevin Morris (
*	Modified LoadURL so it'll use the URL filename as the default.
*	Added call to DoSaveHotlist in DoOpenHotlist.
		Reported by Laurie Gelb (
*	Added the Suffix->MIME and MIME->Helper GUIs.
*	Fixed bug with manual helper launching.
		Reported by Gordon Riall (
*	Fixed "Write to NIL" error.
		Reported by Eric Binova (
*	Increased the HTML parser's MAX_NESTING.
		Reported by Jim Bob Howard ().
*	Reversed ordering of FORM name=value pairs to be compatible
	with existing browsers.
		Reported by Karel Strasters (
*	Modified HTLoadGopher so it handles macbinhex type correctly.
		Reported by Chris Garrigues (
*	Modified HTLoadGopher so it uses MIME type inferred by file
	suffix (instead of presuming text/plain).
		Reported by Mark Borges (
*	Modified anchor/image loading so they only occur on mouse *up*.
		Reported by Adam Engst (
*	macHTML.c was modified to apply character translation to Titles.
		Reported by Jorma Paananen (
*	Modified MacWeb to submit proper application and library information.
		Reported by Paul Burchard (
*	Fixed IMG initialization bug (for half-baked IMG specifications).
		Reported by John C. Mallery (
*	Modified translator registration code so it assigns a quality of 1.0
	(instead of 0.5).
		Reported by John G Dorsey (
*	Fixed "missing text at end of document" bug.
		Reported by J. Douglas Dunlop (
*	Modified video/mpeg and video/quicktime MIME info to set Launch bit.
		Reported by Shouichi Matsui (
*	Modified DoSearch so previous search text is left in tact.
		Reported by Lynn Brock (
*	Fixed bug in lone TEXT INPUT so  submits FORM.
		Reported by Ken Bates (
*	Fixed FORM formatting bug (menus overlapped with following items).
		Reported by George H. Brett II (
*	Modified style of FORMs to begin and end on a new line.
		Reported by ????.
*	Fixed bug in GIF reader dealing with extraneous data in file.
		Reported by Carl Snow (
*	Modified MacWeb's response to FTP failures.
		Reported by Clay C. Ross (
*	Modified SaveAs so selected type is retained (until next launch).
*	Made PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End keys work!
		Reported by Richard Johnson (
*	Added IMG alignment options "middle" and "top".
		Reported by OS (
*	Fixed bug in maintenance of Temp Docs Folder Preference.
		Reported by Adam Engst (
*	Fixed bug causing truncation of text in SELECT Lists.
		Reported by James A Landay (
*	Fixed DL's so when nested they *display* nested.
		Reported by Jim Harrison (
*	Modified line calculation of images to check cache as appropriate.
	BIG win!
		Reported by .
*	Fixed bug in sock_close_all.
*	Fixed bug in SELECT HTML dumper.
		Reported by Frank Simon (
*	Fixed bug in "wrap" of words containing extended characters.
		Reported by Claude Boucher (
*	Modified "Error Launching Specified Application" warning so it now
	uses a dialog and queries the user about deleting the temp file.
		Reported by Eric A Perlman (
*	Fixed bug with autoloading images of pages retrieved via search,
	query, or ismap.
		Reported by Dave Garaffa (
*	Modified macHTSaveAndExecute so it uses the URL filename as the
	default filename (*only* when prompting the user).
		Reported by Chris Garrigues (
*	Modified HTFTP.c so it can parse VMS ftp listings.
		Reported by Garrett Fitzgerald (
*	Modified macHTEImage.c so in the absence of a file suffix in the
	IMG SRC path, the image type GIF is presumed.
		Reported by Russ Wright (
*	Fixed "disappearing TextArea" bug.
		Reported by Michael J. Kobb (
*	Modified HTML parser to handle \n's better (for contained PRE).
*	Modified LI numbering to account for more than 2 digits.
		Reported by OS (OSoliman@UTKVX.UTCC.UTK.EDU).
*	Added System 7 check to initialization.
		Reported by Michael Newbery ( 
*	Streamlined "set color pixel" code (used by GIF inlining).
*	Fixed bug in resetting offscreen radio buttons.
		Reported by Roy Smith (
*	Modified default hotlist loading to attempt, in the absence of a hotlist
	preference, to load the hotlist resource from MacWeb itself.
		Reported by Patrick (
*	Added HTML comment to beginning of html files generated by MacWeb.
*	Modified "spin loop" to accommodate Application Menu selections.
		Reported by Ralph Muha (
*	Modified "spin loop" to accommodate ZoomIn/Out selections,too.
*	Set watch icon while "parsing" files from the local disk.

Developer Notes for MacWeb Version 0.98ALPHA

Developer Notes for MacWeb version 0.98ALPHA, dated 01Jun94, contain the following sections:

Known Problems

Things To Work On

Change History
