This text file contains information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and BBS system operators who wish to distribute CompuPic. _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER CompuPic! Multimedia Manager / Viewer --------------------------------------- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- PROGRAM NAME, CATEGORY, AND KEYWORDS ------------------------------------ Name - CompuPic Multimedia Manager/Viewer Category - Windows (Graphics) Keywords - WINDOWS GRAPHICS VIEWER VIEWERS VIEWING THUMBNAILS WALLPAPER MULTIMEDIA VIDEO SLIDESHOW IMAGE EDITING PHOTO RETOUCHING IMAGE VIEWER PRINTING CLIPART SCANNING SCREEN SAVER FILE FORMAT CONVERSION AVI, BMP, DIB, FLI, FLC, FLX, GIF, HLP, JPEG, JPG, MIDI, MOV, MPEG, PCC, PCD, PCX, PNG, RLE, RMI, TEXT, TGA, TIFF, WAV, WMF, TWAIN, PJPEG, TWAIN COMPUPIC SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ----------------------------- CompuPic is the quickest and easiest-to-use multimedia manager/viewer utility you will ever use. CompuPic's intuitive user interface and rich features provide all the power you need. Features Include: VIEWING: Viewing is simple - just double click on the file name/thumbnail with the left mouse button to view an image! Click again to return to the file list. To access a powerful set of editing features, just move the cursor to the top of the viewing area, and a menu bar appears, filled with editing features, enhancements, conversions and preference options. THUMBNAILS: Unlike other programs, CompuPic lets you choose between 2 sizes! Photodex has developed a sophisticated palette system for extremely high quality and lightning fast thumbnail creation. Thumbnails are stored for later use in a data file for the fastest access available. PICTURE INDEXES: Create thumbnail catalogs of any combination of files in a myriad of different styles and configurations. Just set up the index with the WYSIWYG index preview, and click 'GO!' Indexes can be printed to paper or stored to many graphics file formats. MAXISHOW: Another 'first in the world' for CompuPic. Photodex presents 'Maxishow', the unbelievable multiple image slideshow! Runs just like a traditional slideshow, but contains a configurable number of images per screen. Supports sound and MIDI music files also. MULTITASKING: CompuPic creates thumbnails while you use it, so you never have to wait again! Click on the handy thumbnail 'Create' button, and CompuPic will instantly start creating thumbnails. No status windows to wait for, no annoying delays, no headaches! You can keep using your machine, viewing pictures, running slide-shows, etc. while CompuPic is working. Incomplete thumbnails are remembered, so when you enter CompuPic again, they will be created automatically. INSTANT ZOOM/REAL-TIME PAN: CompuPic is the first graphics utility in the world to offer instant zooming with a real-time mouse pan at the touch of a key. Frame rates are based on processor speed, and can easily be in excess of 30 updates per second (video speed!) CROPPING: While viewing an image, CompuPic allows the user to outline an area, optionally adjust the area, and then crop to the outlined area. In addition, the 'auto-crop' feature instantly analyzes the image and suggests the best crop outline to use to remove unwanted borders and advertisements. ENHANCEMENT: Control brightness, contrast, color saturation, hue, black point, white point, red gamma, green gamma, blue gamma, and negativity either through an easy-to-use pop-up toolbar, or through simple to remember function keys. SLIDESHOW: Select files and click on the slideshow toolbar button. Also plays videos, animations, sampled sound and MIDI music files automatically. Many options provided to control delays, sequencing and music playback. PRINTING: CompuPic supports all printers compatible with Windows. Options for multiple copies and collation supported. CompuPic provides support for the following file formats: AVI, BMP, DIB, FLI, FLC, FLX, GIF, HLP, JPEG, JPG, MIDI, MOV, MPEG, PCC, PCD, PCX, PNG, RLE, RMI, TEXT, TGA, TIFF, WAV Distribution Requirements ------------------------- CompuPic may be freely distributed, with the following restrictions: 1.) Written permission from Photodex must be received to distribute CompuPic on retail racks, CD-ROMs, or bundled with any other product. To get written permission, contact Photodex, briefly explain your situation and how CompuPic relates to it. ****** FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE E-MAIL to with your questions/situation, and someone will help you ASAP. Photodex supports CD-ROM and other forms of distribution, but PLEASE contact us first! 2.) (BBSs) Please name the downloadable file CPIC<#>.EXE (where <#> is the current build number -- ie: CPIC175.EXE), and distribute only the original (self-extracting) file. You are not allowed to distribute any installed CompuPic files separately. 3.) The latest version of CompuPic can always be found in any of the on-line areas listed in the README.TXT file. 4.) Disk Vendors, Shareware Distributors and BBS(s) may charge a nominal fee for distribution of CompuPic. The recipient of CompuPic must be informed, in advance, that the fee paid to acquire CompuPic does not relieve the recipient from purchasing CompuPic if the recipient continues to use the software.