Section: User Commands (1)
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xfractint - fractal generation program  


xfractint [options] [; comments]  


Xfractint draws a wide variety of fractals. Xfractint is a port of the IBM PC program fractint. Xfractint has online documentation which should be referenced for most operation information. Note that the online documentation is from fractint, and does not always accurately describe xfractint. A text version of the online documentation can be generated by running ``make doc''.  


-display display_name
Specifies the X11 display to use.
Indicates the resulting images should appear on the root window. Note: rubberband zoom boxes don't work on the root window.
Indicates that xfractint should allocate as many colors as possible in a private colormap. Normally xfractint will use 128 colors; this flag will let you use all 256, but may mess up the colors in other windows.
Indicates that the machine has a slow display, so the scrolling window should be updated infrequently. Use this flag if xfractint hangs on the title screen.
Indicates that xfractint should use the faster drawing mode. Instead of drawing each pixel immediately, xfractint will save up pixels and then refresh the screen every 5 seconds. Depending on your X implementation, this may make drawing twice as fast.
Use disk video. That is, generate the picture in memory instead of to the screen. The resulting picture can be saved as a gif file or printer file.
-fixcolors num
Specifies the number of colors to use. This number must be a power of two. Also, this number can't be greater than the number of colors available.
-geometry WxH[{+-X}{+-Y}]
This sets the size and position of the image window. The default is 640x480 pixels.
Indicates that xfractint should share the current colormap. That is, xfractint uses as many colors as possible, but doesn't modify the colormap.
Uses simpler keyboard handling. Use this flag if you wish to debug xfractint with gdb, or else you may get "(gdb)" repeated infinitely.
Sets variable xxx to value yyy. See the online documentation for more details on the possible variables.

Loads parameters from the specified file.

Reads a named group of parameters from the specified file.


There are many bugs and things that haven't been implemented. Many potential bugs are discussed in the README file.

Xfractint uses a bizarre (to Unix users) user interface which was directly copied from the IBM version. If you don't have the appropriate keys, use the following key mappings:

IBM             Unix
F1 to F10       Shift-1 to Shift-0
INSERT          I
DELETE          D
PAGE_UP         U
UP_ARROW        K
HOME            O
END             E
CTL_PLUS        }
CTL_MINUS       {


Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 by The Stone Soup Group  


The Unix port was done by Ken Shirriff (shirriff@sprite.Berkeley.EDU).
The primary original authors of fractint are:
Bert Tyler           CompuServe (CIS) ID: [73477,433]   BIX ID: btyler
Timothy Wegner       CIS ID: [71320,675]   Internet: twegner@mwunix.mitre.org
Mark Peterson        CIS ID: [70441,3353]
Pieter Branderhorst  CIS ID: [72611,2257]




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