Corel ArtShow 6- README (November 1995) Note: The Book and CD-Rom may vary in content and number of images. Read this file for last minute changes to Corel Artshow 6 information that is not documented elsewhere. - Installation - General Information Installation ============ Previous version of Gallery detected If a previous version of Gallery is detected the setup program will update the bookshelf with the ArtShow 6 albums, therefore not installing the ArtShow 6 program files. Installation TEMP Paths Typically, applications store temp files in the directory pointed to by the TEMP environment variable. The application is then limited to the available space on the drive that the TEMP variable points to. With graphics applications dealing with large bitmaps, this amount of space may not be enough at times. By setting various alternative places where TEMP files can be stored, Corel GALLERY can take advantage of other drives or partitions the user has for temporary storage, instead of being unable to complete the task due to a lack of free space on the one drive pointed to by TEMP environment variable. Compression issues and the TEMP directory It is recommended that the TEMP directory be created and reside on uncompressed drives. Screen Savers during install To speed up the install process, close any screen saver that you may have active. Once the install is complete, you can re-activate the screen saver. Installation and SMARTDRIVE The Setup routine was designed to work best with SMARTDRV.EXE, using the default options. Do not disable the floppy drive read cache. Note that the absence of a disk cache and some third-party caches will increase the installation time. Installation and File Manager The SETUP program was designed to work when launched from File Manager. You may experience problems running SETUP from other desktop managers such as HP Dashboard or Norton Desktop. The ~COREL.T Directory During the installation of Corel GALLERY, SETUP will create the ~COREL.T temporary directory. This directory is deleted when SETUP has completed successfully. If you notice that ~COREL.T remains on your hard drive, you can delete this directory using File Manager. General Information =================== SMARTDRV and CD-ROM Caching To improve the performance of viewing albums, ensure that Smartdrive is caching your CD-ROM drive. Check your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and ensure that the CD-ROM driver is loaded before Smartdrive. For more information, consult your MS-DOS documentation. Corel ArtShow 6 and Windows Standard Mode Corel ArtShow 6 requires Microsoft Windows to run in Enhanced mode. Standard Mode is not supported. For additional information on Microsoft Windows Enhanced mode, refer to the Windows documentation. Object Linking and Embedding When inserting large or complex OLE objects, especially ones containing large high-resolution bitmaps, you may encounter problems depending on available memory and system resources. This is a known limitation of the Microsoft OLE2 DLL's. If you experience problems trying to insert large OLE objects (e.g. blank objects appear or General Protection Faults occur), the work-around is to export the desired information from one application to a file on disk, then import the file into the other application. Dragging Albums from the ArtShow 6 CD-ROM In addition to installing Albums using SETUP, you can drag the album from the CD-ROM. If you do this, however, you must manually reset the link back to your hard drive. To do this: 1. Open an album. 2. Select the top-most album. 3. Go to File-Properties and insert the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive as the default drive. Using ArtShow 6 Images from CD-ROM When using the images from the Corel ArtShow 6 CD-ROM, ensure that you have the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Temporary (Temp) files Each time you open a Corel application, a temp file ~CDRnnnn.tmp is created in a temp directory you specify during install. These files are normally deleted upon closing the application. When a Corel application is launched, it looks in the CORELAPP.INI file for: [TempPaths] Cleanup=1 0=D:\Temp 1=E:\Temp If Cleanup=1, the application does not clean up the temp files on the hard drive when it is launched. It assumes that the temp files were cleaned up during the last session. If Cleanup=0, the application did not exit normally during the last session. On the next launch, the application searches temp directories for any temp files and deletes them. The Cleanup switch should not be edited manually. If there is a problem with Temp files not being cleaned up, please contact Technical Support. The application searches the following paths in that order when looking for temp files for manipulation: Set Temp=DosTempPath <-- the Temp variable specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT Ex: SET TEMP=E:\ User Temp Path <-- [TempPaths] in the CORELAPP.INI file [defined during setup or by user] Ex: 0=D:\TEMP Ex: 1=G:\TEMP1 etc... Windows Path <-- the Windows directory for the current Windows session. Ex: C:\WINDOWS While the application is searching for and/or cleaning up temp files on the hard drive the user will see an hourglass. When this operation is complete the application will continue. This can occur when the opening screen is launching, when you are exiting, or while you are working in the program. Note 1: If you did not select any temp paths during the install, Cleanup=1 will be the last line in the [TempPaths] section. Note 2: It is recommended that files in the Temp directory be deleted only from DOS. Windows should always be closed before deleting temp files.