UAL Maximum Income Fund

Unit Trust Information

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Date of inception: August 1993

This fund is designed for investors, including those with blocked rands, who require high income distributions. It invests in longer dated securities, so its unit price fluctuates with interest rates.

Investment Structure

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The portfolio will contain government, semi-government and high quality corporate fixed interest issues and money market deposits and securities. A portion of the portfolio may also be invested in lower grade, short dated securities with high redemption yields.

Investment Objective

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To achieve distributions which exceed those on Eskom Loan 168 over the medium-term. Although capital volatility is expected and acceptable, the Fund Manager aims to maintain capital value over the medium-term.

Annualised Returns

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Annualised returns for period ended December 1995:

1 yr 23.00%

Fund Manager

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BRIAN JAMES (B. Comm) MBA (Columbia University, New York)

Brian has 28 years investment experience. He joined UAL Investment Division in 1966. In 1972 he moved to UAL's corporate Finance Department and in 1976 managed a specialist Property Portfolio within the Nedbank Group. For four years he was responsible for the management of Nedbank's Property Division. He rejoined UAL's Portfolio Management team as a senior manager in 1987.

He was appointed assistant general manager in 1990 and is currently responsible for Gilt and Money Market operations.

Other UAL Unit Trusts

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