Using Easy Info Information

How is Information Presented?

Information displayed in Easy Info on Unit Trusts is presented as hypertext in a format known as HTML (or HyperText Markup Language). Hypertext (and in particular HTML) is a common way of presenting information in electronic documents that includes text and pictures.

Hypertext is a way of presenting information where the topics within the body of the document are linked to other places in the document that refer to the topics. These links (called hyperlinks) may be words or images and when clicked, cause the document to be re-positioned to the topic the hyperlink refers to.

HTML is the format used in documents in the World Wide Web on the Internet, and has been chosen for use within Easy Info on Unit Trusts because of its ease of use.

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How do I use Hypertext?

Hypertext documents are structured like most other documents by headings and sub headings and may therefore be read from top to bottom. In Easy Info on Unit Trusts you may move down a document page at a time by clicking on the vertical scroll bar with your mouse.

Throughout a hypertext document, you will see words, sentances or images that are highlighted and underlined, called hyperlinks. You will notice that the mouse cursor will change as the mouse moves over a hyperlink, indicating that the hyperlink is active. If you click on the hyperlink the current window will be positioned to a place in the document (or even in another document) that is related to the original information at the hyperlink.

This sentance is a hyperlink (not linked to anything!)

This image is a hyperlink (also not linked to anything!):

The content topics of most documents within Easy Info on Unit Trusts are themselves hyperlinks that will jump you to the relevant place within that document. There are also frequently hyperlinks to the content list itself, allowing you to return to the contents by simply clicking the hyperlink.

Browsing a document using hyperlinks may at first seem unstructured and confusing, but you will find that as you get used to this way of reading, it will allow you to quickly find and understand the information important to you.

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Easy Info Permanent Hyperlinks

You will notice that there are three indented buttons at the top of the information window within Easy Info on Unit Trusts. Each of these button has an associated image that may appear within a document as a hyperlink with the same functionality as the buttons. These button are permanent hyperlinks to the following:


The document you are currently reading.


This activates a box of content topics related to the document that is currently active.


This hyperlinks you to the list of Frequently Asked Questions related to the document that is currently active.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is Information Presented?

What is hypertext?

How do I use Hypertext?

What are the indented buttons for?

Print this Information

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