Type of fund

A specialist equity unit trust aimed at investors with a good knowledge of the exchange rate, shares and companies deriving their main income from import and/or export.

The trust's portfolio concentrates on prime shares which show substantial growth potential.

It is aimed at utilising movements in the rand's exchange rate against other currencies by shifting the emphasis to either import- or export-orientated companies.

The potentially good returns carry a higher investment risk.

Formation date: February 1995

Number of investors: 12 992 (12/95)

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Composition of portfolio on 12/95

Liquid assets: 7,6%

Mining Houses & holdings 13,4%

Other mining 12,0%

Industrials 63,4%

Gold 3,6%

Number of holdings: 34

Top five holdings: Liberty, Safren, Corohold, De Beers, Sasol (Back to Contents...)

Income and Investment

Income declared: 30 June and 31 December

Income payment: First Monday August and February

Minimum lump-sum investment: R1 000

Minimum monthly investment: R100 (Back to Contents...)

Sanlam Unit Trusts

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