Sage Fund pioneered the South African unit trust industry in June 1965 and thereby introduced the concept of equity investment to the public at large. This event also represented a radical innovation in the life assurance industry by providing the first equity for life insurance products.

Launched with assets of R600 000, Sage Fund now has assets exceeding R1,5 billion, and the unit selling price has increased more than thirty-fold since inception. The introduction of Sage Fund spawned a major growth industry which currently has over 80 individual trusts and industry assets under management exceed r27 billion.

Sage Fund offers a broadly based portfolio of high quality shares covering the industrial financial, mining, metal and mineral sectors of The Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The fund also provides unique additional diversification through the foreign investment element in the portfolio. Sage Fund is designed to take advantage of market opportunities in all sectors of the stock exchange and thus to provide a professionally managed and diversified participation in the progress of leading companies. The fund�s overriding investment objective is to achieve long-term growth in both capital and income for investors.

Sage Fund�s consistent record of inflation-beating performance, its wide spread of investment risk, and its growth potential make it the first choice and chore holding for the majority of investors.

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Sage Unit Trust Funds

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