The Command Line

The format of the BibDB command is:

BibDB <bibliography name(s)> [options]
where the options may be chosen from
  [/a <dirlist>] [/c <filename>] [/d <filename>] [/p <filename>] [/readonly]
        [/link] [/color] [/colour] [/mono] [/h] [/?] [/help] [/debug]
        [/noxms] [/noems] [/nomouse]
The bibliography and dumpfile names can be supplied without the `.bib' extension, and the configuration file does not have to include the `.cfg' extension. If the bibliography file specifications do not include a path, BibDB searches for the bibliography in the following directories: The bibliography names will be entered into the bibliography file list, in the order specified (see ``Files'' section).

There is no automatic search path for the dumpfile. The dumpfile is optional — If you do not do a dump, there is no need to specify a dumpfile. The `/link' qualifier switches on a logical linkage between the bibliography files specified – the program treats them as one sequential file. The `/a' option determines the directories in which BibDB will try to put its temporary files (see description of the `auxdir' parameter in the configuration file). The directory list may be surrounded by quotes, and may also be empty (in which case it must be surrounded by quotes). An empty auxiliary directory list has the effect of disabling all file editing. This result can also be achieved using the `/readonly' option. The `/p' option lets you load into the program a pattern file, containing a pattern which was created earlier by BibDB. The `/mono' option forces monochrome operation on color screens, while the `/color' (or `/colour' for the British) option forces use of user defined colors on monochrome screens. The use of XMS memory, EMS memory and mouse can be switched off using the `/noxms', `/noems' and `/nomouse' options, respectively. A help screen listing the available command line options and their meanings will be written on the computer screen if you specify `/?', `/h' or `/help'. Finally, the `/debug' option switches on various informative messages on the state of the program. Use this option when BibDB does unexpected things.