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       Teacher education includes the training of new teachers and continuing education for working teachers. Teacher education is provided by independent normal schools and colleges (universities).
       Teacher education is financed by the government and receives priority support. Normal schools and colleges offer a wide range of specialities, which basically dovetail courses offered by primary and secondary schools. In size, teacher education in most areas can basically meet the requirements of developing primary and secondary education. In the past decades, the government has allocated a special teacher education fund to improve conditions of normal schools. World Bank loans have also been used to buy equipment for 50 normal colleges offering undergraduate studies, 106 specialized normal schools and 72 colleges of education. Aid money from the UN Children's Fund and UN Development Program has been used to equip 203 secondary normal schools (including schools training kindergarten teachers and teachers for the handicapped) and continuation schools for teachers (training centers). Local governments have also increased input into teacher education.
       In the transition from a three-tier to a two-tier system, teacher education has undergone a structural change. An open continuing education network for primary and secondary school teachers has taken initial shape, a network that combines pre-job training with on-the-job education and relies on modern educational technology and information transmission technology. China's teacher education system will exist independently for a long period of time to come. It has the following development goals: to establish a continuing education system for primary and secondary school teachers and principals; to basically complete schooling-makeup education for primary and secondary school teachers; and to diversify sources for primary and secondary school teachers.
