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       Teacher education in China has had a fairly long history. In 1904, the Qing government promulgated regulations, placing normal schools on the two tiers of secondary education and higher education. Three years later, it promulgated new regulations allowing girls to enroll in normal schools.
       After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government adjusted normal schools and set up new ones in a planned way. According to an educational system promulgated in 1951, normal schools are to be set up at five levels: schools for kindergarten teachers, elementary normal schools, secondary normal schools, specialized normal schools (higher specialized schools), and normal colleges or universities. Graduates from schools for kindergarten teachers and some elementary normal schools are assigned to kindergartens to teach pre-school children. Graduates from elementary normal schools and secondary normal schools mainly teach at primary schools. Most graduates from specialized normal schools, normal colleges and normal universities serve as teachers at general secondary schools, vocational secondary schools and specialized schools of various kinds. As teacher quality becomes ever more important, requirements on the schooling of teachers have kept going up. After 1990, the three-tier teacher education system consisting of secondary normal schools, higher specialized normal schools and undergraduate normal colleges (universities) has given way to a two-tier system consisting of higher specialized normal schools and undergraduate colleges (universities). From emphasizing numbers and size, teacher education has come to a stage where emphasis is placed on raising teaching quality, optimizing structure and improving training efficiency.