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Library of Peking University.         Take Peking University's distance education for example.
       Distance education provided by Peking University can be divided into two types: diploma education and non-diploma education. Types of diploma education are: undergraduate studies with senior middle school education as starting point; undergraduate studies with college specialized training as starting point; and graduate studies. Types of non-diploma education are: classes of undergraduate courses with senior middle school education and college specialized training as starting point; classes of graduate courses; special-topic seminars by celebrated scholars; high-grade discussion training classes of various kinds and second-degree classes.
       At Peking University, students enrolled in the diploma education are managed according to a credit system. Students attend class in accordance with a teaching plan. They cannot graduate unless they have accumulated the required number of credits. Those falling short are required to make up credits within a prescribed time period.
       In providing modern distance education, Peking University uses a technical program that integrates satellite telecom with computer networking. Satellite broadcast, which transmits lectures, is used mainly for classroom teaching, while the Internet is mainly used to transmit lecture-related materials, answers to queries and home work and help spare-time studies. Students may listen to lectures and study at designed classrooms or, if conditions permit, may study individually by using the Internet.
       Peking University has set up a live-broadcast classroom, where teachers from different specialities give lectures according to a plan and teaching activities are broadcast live via the satellite. It has set up nine distance education extramural centers at eight provinces and cities. Students may listen to lectures in the centers' multimedia classrooms or study individually on the computer and interact with Peking University teachers via the Internet for discussions and answers to queries.
       Expenses for study via the Internet is about 10 percent lower than general higher education. At present, a Peking University student pays 4,800-5,200 yuan in tuition a year, whereas his counterpart receiving education via the Internet pays 3,000-4,500 yuan a year.