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        The adult education is managed by the Ministry of Education. The departments of vocational education and adult education, higher education, fundamental education are responsible for the relevant affairs of adult education. All education departments of provinces, autonomous districts, cities, counties, and towns have established management organizations for adult education and employed full time staff. The non-government cooperators are National Labor Union, National Women Union and Communism Youth League. These organizations are responsible for the guarantee and promotion of adult education to workers, women and youths. China Science Association is responsible for the education and training of technical knowledge and promotion of skills application among adults. Another important cooperator of the Ministry of Education is China Adult Education Association, which was established in 1981 and is a social group for national teaching staff of adult education. Its task is to publicize, organize and coordinate adult education activities, provide consulting and training, publish periodicals, and communicate home and abroad. China Adult Education Association joined the International Adult Education Council in 1983, and joined Asian and Pacific Adult Education Association in 1988. Under the Council are organizations including Anti-Illiteracy Research Institute, Research Institute for Adult Education, and Research Institute for Rural Adults. Other organizations include the Chinese Association for Education of Workers and the China Association for Continued Education.