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suffering from self-shut up, medium-to-serious mental retardation and more than one handicap. Kindergartens and pre-school classes of primary schools in some localities began enrolling handicapped children. In many localities, technical and vocational education was provided to blind, deaf and mentally retarded children while they were receiving compulsory education. In medium-sized and big cities and economically developed areas, nine-year compulsory education has been made universal for blind, deaf and mentally retarded children. The last decade has also witnessed the emergence of secondary technical education for blind, deaf and physically disabled youth, and senior middle school education and higher education for blind and deaf youth. The Ministry of Education rules that common institutions of higher learning, specialized middle schools and technical schools shall not refuse admission to handicapped students because of their handicap if they are academically qualified.
       In the year of 2001, the number of special education schools in the whole country was 1535, among which were 28 for blind men, 871 for deaf, 163 for deaf-mutes, and 473 for aments. There were also more than ten thousand special education classes and students in ordinary schools. The total number of students accepting special

education in the mainland was 386,400, among which there were 34,100 blind students, 102,800 deaf students, and 249,500 retarded students. The recruit disabled children amounted for 67.59 percent of the total recruit students, and the disabled students studying in ordinary schools amounted for 69.86 percent of the total.
