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and cultivate their lifelong wishes and capabilities to study.
       2. Reform the traditional course design tendency which over-emphasizes the independence of each subject, offers too many kinds of courses and lacks integration; strengthen the synthesis, flexibility and variety of course structure.
       3. Reform the traditional classic-content-oriented tendency and the rigorous subject system of the course structure; strengthen the connection between the course and the modern society, technology development, and the life of the students.
       4. Reform the neglect of the diversity of district and culture and the detachment with the social development, technology development and the body and mind development of the students in the traditional textbook; deepen the variation reform of the textbook and enhance the scientific adaptability of the textbook.
       5. Reform the traditional teaching process which excessively emphasizes on the accepting, memorizing, and imitating ability in study; advocate the student to participate, communicate, cooperate and discuss actively in order to improve their study style and become the host of study.
       6. Reform the evaluation and examination system, which over-emphasizes the knowledge memory, emphasizes the selection and diversification among

  students. Establish a diverse and various evaluation systems, employ various evaluation methods that cares both the result and the process.
       7. Reform the over-collective course management policy; establish a three-level (state, local and school) course management policy in order to enhance the adaptability of the courses.
       The whole reform will be executed in two phases: 2000-2005 is the first phase, in which the new course system willbe set up, put in trial and revised; 2005-2010 is the second phase, in which the new course system will be gradually promoted in the whole nation.
       The new course system of the fundamental education is applicable to the pre-school education, junior school education, high school education and senior school education. In different period, the system shows different features and forms continuity and gradual development. The new course system will adopts the national education policy completely in all aspects with "to enhance the national education level" as its aim, "to spread morality education" as its spirit, "to cultivate the students' innovation spirit and practical capability" as its emphasis, "to spread humane and scientific spirit" as its basis, and to cultivate all-around developed socialist course constructors and successors with "idea, morality, culture and discipline". The new course system emphasizes to educate the political character, morality,