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To arouse the interest of students for art, the Middle School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music has sets up a small zoo in its campus.       For compulsory education, the government plays a dominant role, while social circles play a supplementary role. Full-time middle and primary schools run by the state are main providers of middle and primary school education. At the same time, social circles are encouraged to pool funds to start and run middle and primary schools. Schools are open to all students, with enrollment subject to area restrictions only.

       The administrative system for compulsory education can be defined as: leadership by the central authorities, responsibility resting with local governments, and administration at different tiers of government (there are four tiers of government in China: provincial, prefectural, county and township). The state is responsible for the following: to formulate elementary education-related laws, regulations and policies; work out plans for the overall development of elementary education, basic school system, curricula and curriculum standards; set up special subsidy funds for poor areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, and the training of teachers; and


supervise and guide educational work at the provincial level. The provincial-level government is responsible for the provision of elementary education in the area of its jurisdiction. This includes the following: to formulate plans for the development of elementary education in the area of its jurisdiction, decide teaching plans, select teaching materials, examine and approve province-compiled teaching materials, organize the evaluation of elementary education in the area of its jurisdiction, and set up special funds as subsidies for poor areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. The prefectural-level government is responsible for coordinating and providing guidance over compulsory education in the area of its jurisdiction in accordance with laws, regulations and policies formulated by the central authorities and the provincial-level government. The county-level government has primary responsibility for organizing the execution of the program of compulsory education popularization. This includes the following: to plan and manage educational funds, appoint and manage principals and teachers for primary and middle schools, and provide guidance over teaching in such schools. The township government is responsible for ensuring that all school-age children in the area of its jurisdiction receive compulsory education.
