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Foreign teachers invited to teach in a rural middle school.       Attending school is what every child aspires to. In China all children reaching the age of six can enter a primary school for study. In areas where junior middle school education is basically available to all, all primary school graduates can go on to junior middle schools without an entrance examination. China follows the system of nine-year compulsory education among its 200 million children. In January 2001, China met its goal of conducting nine-year compulsory education in areas with 85 percent of the national population, with the middle school attendance rate reaching more than 85 percent. As the next step goal, China will strive to achieve the 12-year compulsory education. In the urban area, the proportion of middle school graduates going to high schools rose from 60 percent at present to over 75 percent in 2005, and the goal of 12-year compulsory education is met in 2010. In the rural areas, certain areas will be encouraged to conduct 12-year compulsory education, with the proportion of middle school graduates going to high school reaching 65 percent in 2005, over 75 percent in 2010, and basically achieve the goal of 12-year compulsory  

education in another five years.
        Before 1949, China was very backward in elementary education. In 1949, China had only 1,300 kindergartens, 289,000 primary schools, and 4,266 middle schools. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, faced with only a 20 percent rate of school attendance among school-age children, the government adopted the principle of popularizing education in a planned and step-by-step way. In August 1951, the Ministry of Education convened the first national conference on primary education and teacher education. At the Lu Xun Middle School: Named after the man of letter and great thinker, the school is famous for its good teaching quality.conference, it was proposed to basically popularize primary school education in ten years and train a million primary school teachers in five years. The government encourages varieties of ways followed to run schools, and at the same time manages to improve the salaries of the primary school teachers. This helps boost the elementary education in the country. But, given China's social and economic conditions at the time, primary school education was not popularized as fast as people expected.
