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        The main content of the Trans-Century Teacher Project includes: First, enhance the general quality of teacher team, especially the ethics construction in teacher team. It includes the following aspects: to make whole crew training and continuous education in various styles to the present presidents and full time teachers of primary and high schools; to strengthen the textbook construction of continuous education to primary and high schools; to provide training of basic computer knowledge to the full time teachers of primary and high schools and students of normal universities and colleges; around 2010, the degree of primary and high school teachers with appropriate conditions should be respectively enhanced to college and bachelor level, the proportion of full time teachers and presidents with master degree should reach a certain level; strengthen and reform the normal education; enhance the quality of teacher cultivation; universities with certain strength should make corresponding contribution on the cultivation of new teachers and teacher training. Second, strengthen the construction of excellent teachers' team in primary and high schools; exert the driving and radiating function of excellent teachers in the reform of local teaching work by the teaching reform and experiment, itinerant lecturing, seminar, training, and other activities. Third, employ teacher employment system and staff employment system; explore the channels of teacher resource; improve the construction of teachers' team by employing excellent graduates from non-normal universities and colleges who have teacher qualifications; further improve the periodical service system of normal university graduates; employ periodical shift system for graduates teaching in remote and poor areas and they can enjoy the salary incline policy regulated by the country; encourage government civil servants of all levels to teach in primary and high schools.