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        2002-2006 assisting the disabled students project is co-initiated and led by the Ministry of Education and China Handicapped Association in May 2002. The main content of this project is to provide financial aid to 5000 impoverished handicapped children to accept compulsory education in 16 middle and western provinces, autonomous districts and municipalities directly under the Central Government including Sichuan, Gansu, Anhui, etc. by the means of derating incidental expenses and giving subsidy life and study expenses during the five years from 2001 to 2006. The project fund includes 5 million Yuan annual special fund from the central instruction committee of the construction of spirit civilization, and other investments from governments, education administrative departments of each level and the whole society. This special fund is transferred to county handicapped associations grade by grade from China Handicapped Association on July 1 annually. A special account is required for the management of the special fund in each county handicapped association.