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        The national compulsory education project in poverty districts was co-carried out by the original Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance in 1995. It is an important measure for the prevalence of compulsory education, the enhancement of civilian quality, the decrease of gap between the west and the east, the promotion of local economic development and social progress in the poverty districts. It is also a national education project with the most special capital and biggest scale. This capital was used to reconstruct the dangerous school housing in the countryside, to purchase teaching instruments and materials, desks and chairs according to the national standard, to train teachers and presidents, etc. From 1995 to 1997, the importance of this project was to support the education of 383 poverty counties in 12 underdeveloped provinces with a special fund of 1.5 billion Yuan. From 1998 to 2000, the importance was shifted to 496 poverty counties of 9 provinces (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang) in the west and south of China with a special fund of 2.4 billion Yuan. From 2001 to 2005, another special fund of 7.25 billion Yuan (including 2.25 billion from local governments) for the actualization of the second phase of "National Compulsory Education Project in Poverty Districts" in order to improve the schooling condition of fundamental education in poverty districts in China, and enhance the teachers' level and education quality. The key of special fund from the Central inclined to the west of China. Beside the civil construction, 40 percent of the fund was used on the training of teachers, the purchase of information technology education facilities, and free textbooks given to poor students. The main content includes five aspects: the reconstruction of dangerous school housing, the establishment and expansion of school housing; the purchase of information technology education facilities; the purchase of desks, chairs, teaching instruments materials and books; support students with economic difficulty, reducing or exempting certain kinds of expenses for poor students; teacher training, and enhancing the teaching level and quality education quality through various short-term training and degree education.