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      There were many education celebrities in recent China on the historical stage of education. Among them were: Cai Yuanpei, the Minister of Education of the Temporary Nanjing Government who praised as "priest in the academic community and model in the world"; Tao Xingzhi, famous democratic revolutionist, great people's educator mourned by Mao Zedong; Xu Teli, the sainted proletariat revolutionist; Yang Xianjiang, the education theorist; Chen Jiageng, famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader and founder of Xiamen University; Zhang Boling, founder of Nankai University who produced great influence in the education course of China; Huang Yanpei, the democratic revolutionist, founder of vocational education; Hu Shi, famous figure in the New Culture Activity; Yan Yangchu, the initiator of "country construction" plan, etc.
