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administrative rules. A basic legal framework for education has taken shape in China.

        In the 1990s, with the arrival of the new economy era, science, technology and education have become an increasingly stronger driving force for a healthy, speedy and sustained economic development. In drawing up its overall strategy for reform and development, the Chinese government has given priority to science, technology and education. "Rejuvenating the Chinese nation through education and progresses in science and technology" has become a state policy. Education shoulders the important task of raising the overall qualities of the Chinese nation and fostering people with a pioneering spirit and innovative capabilities. The important role it plays in talent cultivation, knowledge renewal, knowledge dissemination and knowledge application determines that education has a foundation status in a knowledge-based economy. That is why there is a national consensus that reform of the educational system and development of education are so pressing


for the country.

        In June 1999, the Chinese government made the decision of deepening educational reform and promoting the type of education that aims to raise the overall quality of students. According to the decision, reform of the country's educational system and structure will be deepened, with emphasis placed on raising the quality and innovative capability of the Chinese nation; and the function of education is to shift from knowledge dissemination to raising the comprehensive quality of those who receive education. This calls for allocating and utilizing educational resources in a more scientific and rational way and continuously raising the quality and efficiency of education.

        In the new century, by continuing to carry out reforms, China's educational circles will keep improving the school system centering on providing students with award education, improve the trade- and enterprise-oriented educational system centering on providing
