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Beijing Teachers' University, founded in 1898, is the earliest of its kind in modern China.         Chinese people have since ancient times been cherishing the tradition of respecting teachers and prioritizing education. They worship Confucius (551-479 BC) and respected him as a great thinker and educator because, about 2,000 years ago, Confucius initiated private schools and advocated freedom to lecture, a move that broke the monopoly of education by the government and make it possible for ordinary people to have access to education. Confucius had more than 3,000 students. After him, private schools gradually flourished as an educational system that existed side by side with official schools. Confucianism and Confucian classics represented by Confucius were the main content of education in China's feudal society.


        School education has had a history of several thousand years in China. There were educational organs in the Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC) 21st centuries ago. Education was provided mainly by the official schooling system, which included a central school and local schools serving different administrative Universities in China began to have colleges in 1910. Picture shows the old site of the College of Philosophy of Peking University.regions. By the end of the feudal society, these schools had degraded into a dependency of the imperial examination system, through which officials were selected.

        In China, the main objective of feudal education was to train officials. At the same time, it created a special social stratum in China's feudal society - the literati. The imperial examination system was an important form of education in China's feudal society. Beginning from the Sui period (581-618), the
