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News & Updates -- Thru September 1996

Fri, Oct 4, 1996

New Samples Website goes on the air. See the comment at the bottom of each page for what's new. Source is available.

Agency.Com in the Job Fair.

Special Update

Frontier 4.1b13 App Only release. This is a final candidate.

The Frontier-talk list seems to be down. Please use the Mac Scripting list to report problems. Thanks!

Thu, Oct 3, 1996

We're getting ready for the switch-over to Frontier 4.1.

You can watch the Site Outline for the new site.

Please do. Just a couple of days before the switch.

Comments on the Frontier-talk list.


Wed, Oct 2, 1996

WorldWide Power's FileMaker Reference: This site is amazing. I just discovered it today. Good going Brent Simmons!

Tue, Oct 1, 1996

Get your Frontier T-Shirt. While supplies last!

The Working With AppleScript docs are ready for review.

Mon, Sep 30, 1996

MailStash: A Frontier suite for archiving mail from Claris Emailer to FileMaker Pro.

OpenWorld: A WebStar plug-in that allows you to code HTML using <frontier> tags. Cooool.

Third rewrite of User's Guide is ready for review at

Sat, Sep 28, 1996

Chuck Shotton's KerbyCam.

Fri, Sep 27, 1996

The menus for Frontier 4.1 are almost completely documented now.

Removable Source Code on the under-construction site.

Check out the public beta of Eudora Lite 3.0/Mac. Apparently it supports menu sharing. A very pleasant surprise!

A Page About Navigators. They're important.

We're drinking coffee this morning with MacBird on The Whiteboard Cam page.

Thu, Sep 26, 1996

Chapters 10 and 11 are ready for review at the "New User's Guide" website.

Frontier 4.1b11.

Wed, Sep 25, 1996

Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 are ready for review at the "New User's Guide" website.

Tue, Sep 24, 1996

I'm editing the User's Guide to agree with the feature set of Frontier 4.1. I hate docs! You can keep me company by reading the chapters as they come on line.

Chapter 2 -- Explorer's Guide to Frontier -- is ready at the "New User's Guide" website. Check it out!

The Whiteboard Cam gets new technology! WebCamToo is perfect.

Mon, Sep 23, 1996

Dave's NT Server goes on the air.

Sentius Corporation in the Job Fair.

Msg from an ex-Apple DTS Guy

Sun, Sep 22, 1996

Chuck Shotton and Dave Winer announce... The Whiteboard Cam!

Fourth Endgame Upload for Frontier 4.1 testers.

Winston-Salem Online, Three Islands Press -- Frontier websites.

Pretty-good Privacy from Frontier.

Sat, Sep 21, 1996

Frontier 4.1 testers please check out the Frontier 4.1 Endgame Page.

Fri, Sep 20, 1996

DaveNet piece: Badaboom Badabing.

Thu, Sep 19, 1996

New Navigator Help System makes it easy to build fun and friendly tours of the object database.

New: samples.basicStuff.exportFromOutline.

Wed, Sep 18, 1996

Frontier 4.1b8 is available.

New Droplets for 4.1. They can be cards. Of course!

Tue, Sep 17, 1996

GNU Regular Expressions for Frontier by Danis Georgiadis adapts the Free Software Foundation's regex package to Frontier 4.1.

The new Finder Aliases Dialog shows you how to use MacBird to make the Finder more powerful.

The new Export Dialog makes it easy to export from the Frontier object db, in a variety of formats, with or without compression, to a file or as a Eudora attachment.

Mon, Sep 16, 1996

New version of suites.mail on the Mail Agent Protocol page.

Preston Holmes has a mail agent that will announce the sender and subject of incoming mail with Apple's computer speech technology.

New Menu Sharing Toolkit. Apps survive Frontier crashes.

Sun, Sep 15, 1996

Jon Stevens's Outliner CGI.

Creating a new script in Frontier 4.1 -- A powerful new MacBird card for 4.1 testers.

Dave's MacBird Notes page starts -- a separate page with accumulating wisdom about working with MacBird in Frontier 4.1.

Sat, Sep 14, 1996

Revised Mail Agent Protocol suite.

user.html.macros.cSourceFile, user.html.macros.gifRef and user.html.renderers.sampleScriptRenderer sample scripts.

Fri, Sep 13, 1996

Preston Holmes's fabulous clip2gif Assistant. verbs and verbs on the DocServer website. (These verbs are part of Frontier 4.1.)

Thu, Sep 12, 1996

DaveNet piece: Midnight Plane to Windows.

Brent Simmons's MacBird site goes on the air. It's got the most information about MacBird ever. A beautiful job!

Website scripting on the Mac becomes a category.

Akimbo Systems ships Globetrotter.

A Nice Family-Oriented Joke.

Read this if you're interested in how the software business works.

Wed, Sep 11, 1996

Page Rendering Proposed Standard on UserLand's MIDAS website.

Frontier 4.1b7 is ready.

Sun, Sep 8, 1996

Revised Mail Agent Protocol on UserLand's MIDAS website. The Mail Framework page lists the scripts to support MAP in Frontier.

Sat, Sep 7, 1996

Simson Garfinkel has a clue.

DaveNet piece: Floating Ideas.

Mail Agent Protocol on UserLand's MIDAS website.

Fri, Sep 6, 1996

DaveNet piece: ActiveX or Java?

Thu, Sep 5, 1996

DaveNet piece: ODB Engine 1.0.

Wed, Sep 4, 1996

Object Database Engine beta ships.

Web Warrior 1.0b24 ships.

Tue, Sep 3, 1996

DaveNet piece: Bee Stories.

Wed, Aug 28, 1996

DaveNet piece: Bee Season.

Sun, Aug 25, 1996

18th World Aerobatic Championships -- a dynamic Frontier-based site.

Sat, Aug 24, 1996

DaveNet piece: Happy Saturday.

Fri, Aug 23, 1996

DaveNet piece: Macarena!

suites.netFrontier on steroids, goes into beta test. Hugely powerful version of my humble suite, done by Preston Holmes and friends.

Thu, Aug 22, 1996

Glossaries page on UserLand's MIDAS website. A web based discussion is taking place about the future of glossaries.

The Frontier-talk list appears to be off the air. In the interim, please use the BBS. Thanks!

Macro Confusion page on UserLand's MIDAS website. Of interest to people doing website scripting with Frontier and/or BBEdit, and people who are implementing web based macro processors.

FCGI Gateway page on UserLand's MIDAS website. It's of interest to people who write web server plug-ins and web server software.

Wed, Aug 21, 1996

Henry Norr: "Providing an industrial-strength foundation for the Mac platform should be Apple's top priority -- even if it requires radical revisions to previous plans." Yeah-yeah! Good job Henry.

Jonathan Billings: "Thanks for making Frontier, it has been the best thing to happen to the Macintosh since MultiFinder."

Mon, Aug 19, 1996

DaveNet piece: Diggin The Times.

Fri, Aug 16, 1996

Samples Website goes live.

MacWEEK scoops... Apple 'committed', Copland kernel MIA, developer release DOA and Henry Norr wants to know.

Scripting in Phoenix in the Job Fair.

MacBird Plug-ins page. A preview of new open architecture coming soon in Frontier 4.1.

Thu, Aug 15, 1996

DaveNet piece: The Smoke Filled Room.

Wed, Aug 14, 1996

DaveNet piece: Microsoft's Motivations.

Tue, Aug 13, 1996

DaveNet piece: Before It Gets Too Hot.

Mon, Aug 12, 1996

If you have a product that's compatible with Frontier, tell Apple about it. Thanks!

DaveNet piece: What If... What If!

Chuck Shotton,, asked me to tell people that his server at is off the air due to an electrical storm in Houston. This means that the MIDAS mailing list is off the air too.

Sun, Aug 11, 1996

Marimba Inc, leading Java developers, in the Job Fair.

Sorry for the power outage. Everything's back online. Still digging!

Wed, Aug 7, 1996

DaveNet piece: A New Body!

Mon, Aug 5, 1996

Coool Mac web technology. Tell em Dave sent ya.

Chuck Shotton is running a BBS on one of his systems at BIAP Systems. But I can't announce the location or purpose of that system until Wednesday. Sorry!

According to Alex Hopmann, UserLand BBS works with Boulevard & Web for One. One minor mod was necessary to suites.bbs. Alex is running a BBS. Check it out, let's see how well it works. (It is a little slow, since it's running on his IIcx.) In acknowledgement of Alex's work, I changed the requirement on the main BBS page to be a "WebSTAR-compatible server."

Other BBSs include: the original test system, and a soon-to-be-official system here on

Please use the test system to get familiar with the BBS software. Leave a message! Play with HTML stuff. That's cool. The system on is for comments on DaveNet pieces and questions about using Frontier and other scripting software. Thanks!

More BBSs:

Sun, Aug 4, 1996

Heidi Roizen: Apple is not lost in Cyberspace. (She forgot to mention scripting tools. She did mention OpenDoc. Hmmm. Heidi!)

If you already have installed and are successfully running CGI scripts in Frontier, and are interested in running a BBS on your server starting today or tomorrow, I could use some help testing the scripts and the installation instructions.

The web page is at Please, experienced Frontier sysops only. Thanks!

New page: WebSTAR Setup for Frontier CGI Scripting.

Sat, Aug 3, 1996

DaveNet piece: Hire Steve Ballmer.

Fri, Aug 2, 1996

UserLand's Expo Goodie: A New Web-Based Threaded BBS. Dig in!

Is Apple Computer Lost in Cyberspace?

Thu, Aug 1, 1996

NetFrontier 2.0b3 beta is available thru Preston Holmes's server.

Castleford High School scripts their site with Frontier.

Wed, Jul 31, 1996

DaveNet piece: The Compaq of ISPs.

Tue, Jul 30, 1996

Check out LiveCard, Hypercard running as a web server. Interesting!

Mon, Jul 29, 1996

Added a search form at the bottom of every page on the Frontier site.

UserLand's Midas Website goes on the air. Things are moving fast! Finally. Ye-ha.

Updated the Site Tools Suite to allow for huge files, and the page now has instructions for scheduling overnight builds.

Sat, Jul 27, 1996

The Site Outline is back on the air. It lists all the files in the Frontier directory on I hope to release the script that builds this outline later today or tomorrow.

The Site Tools Suite is now ready to be downloaded. Have fun!

I've been reading articles about WebMate, and it sounds like what we're doing, but for Windows. It would be great if someone were watching this software and keeping us posted on how they're moving, and what it does that we don't do, etc.

Fri, Jul 26, 1996

DaveNet piece: Look For New Joy.

Thu, Jul 25, 1996

The Roller Coaster FAQ -- a Frontier server app!

ScriptWeb guestbook goes on the air. Cooool! Go sign in. They're our buddies. Yeah.

An Easy CGI for WebStar goes into testing. Please report problems, installation glitches, unfriendly docs, on the Frontier-talk list. Thanks!

Wed, Jul 24, 1996

UserTalk Grammar, Frontier Data Types, UserTalk Everywhere, Lists & Records, Recording, Scheduler Suite pages appear.

Ryan Simms on BBEdit and Frontier -- a web developer talks about the connection BBEdit and Frontier, and how it works in his NT-based web shop.

DaveNet piece: Jim Gable on OpenDoc.

Tue, Jul 23, 1996

Employment opportunity at Stanford in the Job Fair.

DaveNet piece: Go-Away Money.

Strike Suits Website goes public.

Mon, Jul 22, 1996

The Frontier User's Guide is revised and is now stored on can download the manual for local viewing. Later tonight the indexer will crawl thru the guide and you'll be able to search it along with all the other web-based docs.

DaveNet piece: Influence.

The LTODBS is now hosted by Acorn Software.

My page, introducing the LTODBS.

Experienced Frontier users with software to distribute can be part of the LTODBS network. Check out the Sysop suite.

Sun, Jul 21, 1996

I'm Serious about Website Scripting.

New home page:

Brent Simmons's personal story personal story about Frontier.

Sat, Jul 20, 1996

MacWEEK review of Frontier. "When we reviewed the beta we concluded that every Mac scriptor should take a new look at Frontier. Although it's a difficult system to learn, that "should" becomes "must" for Mac Webmasters."

The Guestbook script was broken. Not no mo.

Preston Holmes's review of Frontier.

Fri, Jul 19, 1996

Editing AppleScripts using Script Debugger.

Mason Hale compares AppleScript and Frontier.

Thu, Jul 18, 1996

Mail Shop Suite.

Tue, Jul 16, 1996

DaveNet piece: The Macintosh Internet Strategy.

Sat, Jul 13, 1996

Mason Hale's Macintosh CGI workshop presentation at Mactivity/Web:

New: Database Cribsheet.

Fri, Jul 12, 1996

DaveNet piece: Spider Web.

Thu, Jul 11, 1996

DaveNet piece: Ship Shop.

Tue, Jul 9, 1996

Serving directly from the Object DB with WebSTAR.

DaveNet piece: Cisco Systems.

Mon, Jul 8, 1996

Java and Frontier Sittin' in a Tree!

Sat, Jul 6, 1996

DaveNet piece: I Want Too Much!.

Tue, Jul 2, 1996

DaveNet piece: Microsoft in the Mac Market.

After Quarterdeck Corp.'s WebStar, Frontier has probably done more to make the Mac a viable Web server. Apple, Claris Corp. and BMW are among the companies using it. -- Henry Norr, in MacWEEK.

Check out the archives

© Copyright 1996-97 UserLand Software. This page was last built on Wed, Jan 22, 1997 at 2:29:01 PM with Frontier. Thanks for checking it out! Dave