Must Read: FileFlex Support

FileFlex is a highly technical product targeted at solely technical users who want to embed relational database technology within their own applications.

As part of creating FileFlex, I started developing a regular dialog with FileFlex users via electronic mail. I was able to provide regular update status reports to all members of our e-mail mailing list and discuss issues relating to the product's features and functionality. This became an incredibly powerful tool for getting customer feedback and helped those on the list be more informed as the development progressed.

To continue this dialog, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you subscribe to our
free mailing list services as soon as possible.

FileFlex Headquarters on the Web

FileFlex Headquarters, our main location for all FileFlex informaiton and support, is on our World Wide Web site for FileFlex users. This site contains the latest versions, archives of technical and marketing documents, mailings, and all sorts of other incredibly useful information. Component on the Web is located at:
This site is the first place you should look for any upgrade or free bug-fix update information, as well as answers to commonly asked questions. Remember, the very latest version of this manual is available here for browsing and downloading.

The FileFlex Mailing List

FileFlex users have access to a free "listserv" feature. This service is available to both full FileFlex customers and FileFlex Lite users. I hope you find this cool new communications tool useful. Listserv is an automated mail list manager that lets you get regular information about FileFlex and talk with other FileFlex embedded database users. The two new automated lists are:


If you have any interest in FileFlex you should subscribe to fileflex-announce. Whenever we have important information to announce (anything from new version information to important tips and problem workarounds), we'll post them through fileflex-announce.

In order to receive mail from fileflex-announce, send an e-mail message to In the first line of the message (not the subject!), include the following:
  subscribe fileflex-announce


The fileflex-talk list is an "open" list. The purpose of fileflex-talk is to provide a mechanism for FileFlex users and fans to converse among themselves. This list is unmoderated and unedited. Anything you send to fileflex-talk will be replicated and mailed to all of the subscribers on the list. In turn, anything any other subscriber mails to the list will be sent to you (assuming you've subscribed).

Fileflex-talk is intended to provide FileFlex users with a way to share great ideas, get help on sticky problems, and work together to explore new uses of the program. So send messages and reply to messages. Get together and talk, have fun, and share great stuff!

In order to receive mail from fileflex-talk, send an e-mail message to In the first line of the message (not the subject!), include the following:
  subscribe fileflex-talk
In return for this short effort on your part, you'll be the first to know about upcoming releases, and-more importantly-be involved in issues and decisions relating to features, functions, and policies for FileFlex. And you won't be getting information filtered by some sort of marketing flunky-you'll be talking directly with the developer.

See you on the list!

Online Service Support Forums

If you don't have access to Internet FTP, don't dispair. We've made access available to you as well. You can look for FileFlex files and other goodies in the following locations:

CompuServe: Macromedia Forum (GO MACROMEDIA)
HyperCard Forum (GO MACHYPER)
Component Section (GO COMPONENT)

How to Get Technical Support

Users of FileFlex Lite must contact Macromedia at 415-252-9080 (Fax 415-703-0924) for technical support.

Please do not call Component. We're just not equipped to accept technical support calls from all of Macromedia's customers.
Technical support is available free of charge (unless you become a raging pain in the ... but that's another story) directly from the author. We don't normally charge for support. We also don't normally write or debug your applications for you. Please note that our preferred support method is electronic mail. We generally turn around e-mail support questions within a day, but make no guarantee for phone or fax-based support queries. If you do call, you'll be asked for your download password (on your disk) to confirm you're a customer of the full version before you'll be able to get technical support from us.

Remember, if you're a FileFlex Lite user, you can subscribe to the listserv and visit our website for free, but you must contact Macromedia for support at the phone number listed above.

The absolute best way to get support is via E-mail to

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Copyright (c) 1996 David Gewirtz under license to Component Software Corp. All rights reserved worldwide.