By: Birgit Denenberg Specialty Fibers A thing to compare in silks is the amount of floss on the card and how many ply. All the companies so far have that different.And they are compatable in quality, like Caron, Soie D'alger (Kreinik), Soie Cristale, Madeira silk, Ping ling silk, Elsa Williams, Kushi, Walsh, Belding silk..... Soie Cristale-Italy, Crystal Palace Silk-12ply,6yd skeins $2.50,111col. " " " " ,33yd sk. $ 11.80 Ping Ling-China-6ply,8yd cards $2.20 comes in112 colors Madeira-Germany-4 ply,5.5yd in spoilproof package $1.25,104 colors Waterlilies-Caron-silk overdied-12ply, 6yd skeins,$5.00,51 colors Glissengloss-4ply,5yd card,$1.25,so far 33 colors Soie D'Alger-Kreinik-7ply,5.5yd skein,$3.00,43 yd skein,$15.60, 450 colors!!!!! an excellent fiber! CARON COLLECTON; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watercolors-3ply divisible cotton pearl,10yd sk.,$2.50,100 col. Waterlilies-the base is Soie Crystal from Crystal Palace Silk then overdied by Caron Collection. Rachelette-100% Nylon,5yd,$2.50,48 col. Rachel-100% Nylon iridescent tubular,10yd,$2.20,36 col. (cool to stitch) Candlelight-Nylon/Metallic,10yd,$1.40,27 col. Antica-Vicose/Poly Metallic,10yd, $1.40, 12 col. Sparle-3ply non-divisible twisted,10yd,$ 2.40, 12 col. Snow-100% Poly,5yd, $ 2.40,just that..snow:> Cornsilk-2mmSilklike Ribbon..? Prism-100% poly,Transparent/opalescent,10 yd,$2.80 Kit Kin-Angoratype blending thread,10yd,$ 2.20,5col. Heavy Metallic Braid-twisted 4ply,2yd,$3.50 RAINBOW GALLERY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alpaca-10yd,$2.00,5 col. Cresta D'Oro-15yd,$2.25,30col.(12-18ct) Double GOld-,gold, Silver,10yd,$2.00 Encore!-(Hardanger),10yd,$2.00 Faux Furr-very furry singles yarn,20 yd,$2.00 Fiesta!-Floss,6ply,12yd,$1.50,42 solid,8 varigated col. Flair-Glistening tubular nylon netting,stitch as flat ribbon or insert other yarns for special effects,10yd,$2.25, 25 col. Fyre Werks-10yd,$2.75, 14 col, white Pearl,10yd,$4.00 (up to 22 ct sti.) Gold Dust-10yd,$1.50,spools 110yds $4.50,23 col,(up to 18ct) Goldfingering-100% cotton,15yd,$1.50,16 col. (13-16ct) Neon Rays-100% Rayon ribbon1/16",10yd,$2.50, 84 col. Overture-4ply,100% cotton,10yd $1.75,110yd balls $7,00,(10-18ct)53 col. "J"series-10yd $1.75,(13-16ct),12 col. Varigated-(13-16ct)10yd $2.00,12 col. Lytwist-(14-18ct),12yd $1.30,10 col. Matte-(14-18ct),4ply overdied cotton,10yd $2.50 Patent Leather-1/16" 2yd $4.00, 6 col. Patina-100% Rayon, 15yd $1.50, 56 col. Pebbly Perle-(14-18ct)100% cabled cotton,10 yd $2.0038 col. Permutations-(12-14ct)( long stitch 14-18ct),10yd $2.25, 12 col. Plastic Canvas Metallic-7ct, 8yd $2.00,7 col.,white pearl 8yd $2.75 Reflecta Metallic-sizen between #8 and BF,110yd spool $ 5.85 Rhapsody-Needlp.12-14ct,Longsti.14-18ct.Deorat.stit.on #18 padded effect 8yd $2.25, 36 col. Santas Beard$& Suit- 10-13ct,very furry,10yd $1,50, 8 col Silk & Wool-12-14ct,52%silk,48%wool,10yd $2.25 29 col. Tiara-Twisted metallic,18ct,&X-stitch, 10yd $ 2.00, 28 col. Twedie- 18ct,100%wool 15yd,$2.00 24 COL Ultra Suede-5YD $2.50 12 COL. Velours-for couching,100% Acrylic,5yd $2.00 14 col. Whisper-80% mohair 20% nylon,very furry,up to 18ct.20yd $ 2.00 And some Fun Fibers from various companies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Confetti-Susan Johnson, 7yd $ 2.90 Nylon fiber space-died metallic filament,this combination creates automatic,pastel colorchanges with a frosted finish.7 multi,3 solid col. Eva Rosenstand Floss- $0.80 Ginnnie thompson FT-$0.65 GlissenGloss Estaz-fuzzy,3yd $2.50 fun! 22 col. " " Crystal-very shiny! like marlitt but softer,easier to work 5yd $2.50 32col. " " Sparkle-metallic 12 or 14 ply ,3 yd $1.25, 4 metal col. " " Luster- metal cord 10yd $1.25,,light bronze " " Rainbow-Nylon/metallic polyester, 40 yds $1.25,51 col. " " Braid-very shiny sparkely!5 yd $1.25,silver,gold,opalescent white 1/16" they have more but I'mgonna go to bed now:> the prices are from 1993.