15. Term speed table

Contents of this section

Thanks to Bill McCarthy we now have a table with TERM speed information for different modems, TERM versions and connection conditions. Its purpose is to give new and experienced users some idea what other people are using and the results they are getting.

                           LINUX TERM CHART 8/14/94

|___modem speed/make___|___line speed__|__avg cps__|__high__|__term ver_|
| 1)  USR SP 14.4      |   9600        |  950      |  963   | 1.17      |
| 2)  USR SP 14.4      |  14400        | 1376      |  n/a   | 1.18p06   |
| 3)  Zoom 2400        |   2400        |  220      |  230   | 1.19      | 
| 4)  Boca V.32bis 14  |  57600        | 1400      |  n/a   | 1.01/09?  |
| 5)  Viva 14.4        |  14400        | 1300      |  n/a   | 1.16      |
| 6)  USR SP 14.4      |  14400+       | 1550      | 1680   | 1.19      |
| 7)  Intel 14.4 Fax   |  14400        | 1400      | 1650   | 2.0.4     | 
| 8)  cable tv hookup  |  57600        | 1500      | 1800   | 1.18p06   |
| 9)  Twincom 144/DFi  |  57600        | 1500      | 4000?  | 2.0.4     |
| 10) USR SP 14.4      |  14400        | 1200      | 1500   | 1.08      |
| 11) cable tv hookup  |  19200        | 1300      | 1800   | 1.19      |

+Command flags/termrc settings:

1) default escapes   2) window 5       3) baudrate 2400    4) n/a            
   baudrate 9600        timeout 200       window 3
   window 10                              noise on
   timeout 150

5) compress off      6) baudrate 19200  7) ignore 19+17    8) compress off
   window 10            compress on        window 4           escape 0, 13, 
   timeout 150                             timeout 90         16-19, 255
   baudrate 38400                                             baudrate 0
                                                              shift 224
                                                              flowcrtl 500
                                                              window 10
                                                              timeout 70
                                                              retrain on
                                                              breakout 24
9) compress off     10) compress off      11) baudrate 19200
   baudrate 57600       baudrate 38400        compress on
   window 10            escape 17, 19         shift 224
   timeout 200          remote                escape 0, 13 16-17
   noise on                                   19, 255
   share on                                   window 10
   remote                                     timeout 40

Escaping characters at one end also implies ignoring them on the other end.

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