4. What is getty?

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getty is a program that handles the login process when you log onto a Unix box. There are 3 versions that are commonly used with Linux: agetty, getty_ps and mgetty.

4.1 About getty_ps

This version of getty was written by Paul Sutcliffe Jr., paul@devon.lns.pa.us. Kris Gleason, gleasokr@boulder.colorado.edu currently maintains it. 2.0.7e is the latest version, and supersedes any older versions. Most distributions come with the getty_ps package installed as /sbin/getty.

The getty_ps package contains two getties. getty is used for console, and terminal devices - and uugetty which is used for modems. I use this version of getty, so I will focus on the getty_ps package in this HOWTO.

4.2 About mgetty

mgetty is a version of getty written by Gert Doering gert@greenie.muc.de. In addition to allowing logins, mgetty also provides class 2 FAX support through sendfax, which accompanies mgetty. mgetty+sendfax 0.22 is the latest version of this package. The mgetty documentation is quite good, and does not need supplementing. Please refer to it for installation instructions.

4.3 About agetty

agetty is the third variation of getty. It was original written by W.Z. Venema, wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl. It's a simple implementation of getty.

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