10. Example Using Sense Buffer

Contents of this section

Here we will use the TEST UNIT READY command to check whether media is loaded into our device. The header declarations and function handle_SCSI_cmd from the inquiry example will be needed as well.

                        Table 73: TEST UNIT READY Command
|  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
|Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| 0   |                           Operation Code (00h)                        |
| 1   | Logical Unit Number      |                  Reserved                  |
| 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 5   |                           Control                                     |

Here is the function which implements it:


#define ADD_SENSECODE 12
#define NO_MEDIA_SC 0x3a
#define NO_MEDIA_SCQ 0x00

int TestForMedium ( void )
  /* request READY status */
  static unsigned char cmdblk [TESTUNITREADY_CMDLEN] = {
      TESTUNITREADY_CMD, /* command */
                      0, /* lun/reserved */
                      0, /* reserved */
                      0, /* reserved */
                      0, /* reserved */
                      0};/* control */

  memcpy( cmd + SCSI_OFF, cmdblk, sizeof(cmdblk) );

   * +------------------+
   * | struct sg_header | <- cmd
   * +------------------+
   * | copy of cmdblk   | <- cmd + SCSI_OFF
   * +------------------+

  if (handle_SCSI_cmd(sizeof(cmdblk), 0, cmd, 
                            0, NULL)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Test unit ready failed\n");

   *(((struct sg_header*)cmd)->sense_buffer +ADD_SENSECODE) != 
                                                        NO_MEDIA_SC ||
   *(((struct sg_header*)cmd)->sense_buffer +ADD_SC_QUALIFIER) != 

Combined with this main function we can do the check.

void main( void )
  fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR);
  if (fd < 0) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Need read/write permissions for "DEVICE".\n" );

  /* look if medium is loaded */

  if (!TestForMedium()) {
    printf("device is unloaded\n");
  } else {
    printf("device is loaded\n");

The file generic_demo.c from the appendix contains both examples.

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