7. Colophon

Contents of this section

This HOWTO was written using vi, the ultimate editor; the human mind, the ultimate computer; and imagination, the ultimate power tool. The computer of choice was a Gateway2000 i486/50 running the Slackware 2.2 distribution of Linux with version 1.3.4 of the kernel. The original document was written in mark-up format using Linuxdoc-SGML (a hacked version of Tom Gordon's QWERTZ DTD). The HOWTO was then emailed to Greg Hankins, the Linux Documentation Project coordinator. There it was converted to PostScript, TeXinfo, DVI, ASCII, and HTML formats. Finally it was posted on USENET, and placed in the Linux archives found on the SunSITE FTP/WWW servers for easy Internet access.

Previous Chapter

Table of contents of this chapter, General table of contents

Top of the document, Beginning of this Chapter