8. DIP

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8.1 DIP does not have support for PPP's mode

The current version of dip-uri supports PPP in that it will execute the pppd process when you execute `mode PPP'. However, there are many options which are needed for the proper operation of pppd. Since dip does not pass these to the program, they must be stored in the /etc/ppp/options file.

The dip program controls the establishment of the SLIP link. It controls the SLIP link with the aid of slattach, ifconfig, and route. These programs may be used to establish a SLIP link. They are not useful for the establishment of a PPP link.

The dip program may be used to dial the telephone and start the PPP software on the remote system. It is best used in this mode as the parameter to the `connect' option. However, you have the option to use dip to control the link. It is not important how pppd be executed to run the PPP link. It is only important that it be executed as it is a mandatory program for the PPP protocol.

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