12. Interactions with other PPP implementations

Contents of this section

12.1 I am using a Trumpet (for MSDOS) and the connection simply terminates. Why is this happening?

Trumpet does not like any VJ header compression. Use the pppd option "-vj" to turn it off.

12.2 I am using dp-3.1.2 (with SunOS) and the system will not allow me to use anything but ping, or nslookup. Why is this happening?

There is a bug in the 3.1.2 version of dp. Please get the 3.1.2a or later file from the dp ftp home site harbor.ecn.purdue.ecu. Until you can put the patch into dp, disable the vj header compression.

12.3 I can not connect to/with my Windows NT code

Microsoft has chosen to support a non-standard authentication protocol with Windows NT. That is their right to do so provided that they have registered the protocol number with the IANA. (They have.) If the `accept only Microsoft encrypted authentication' check box is set in the phone book entry, the connection will not complete. This setting mandates that the Windows NT system only exchange PPP authentication with another Microsoft PPP implementation.

Linux does not support this authentication protocol.

If you have the option of changing the settings on the Windows NT system then go to the Windows NT Phone Book settings, advanced, security settings and ensure that the `Accept any authentication including clear text' box is checked and the `accept only Microsoft encrypted authentication' is not checked. The other checkboxes may be checked or not as you see fit.

Then use PAP on the Linux side. Put your Windows NT account name and password into the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.

The Microsoft authentication sequence is a PAP style authentication with their DES encryption algorithm for the passwords. Normal PAP sends the passwords in clear text. This would violate their C2 security goals.

Versions of the Linux PPP code earlier than 2.1.2c have a flaw in their decoding of the authentication request. They will not work with a Windows NT system as they will not negotiate the proper authentication. Please used 2.1.2c or later if you wish to connect to Windows NT. The current version, 2.2 or 2.1.2d if you need 1.1 kernel support, should be used if possible.

Scott Hutton <shutton@habanero.ucs.indiana.edu> sent me the following:

Basically, NT RAS (Remote Access Services) will drop your connection if you REJ anything critical (i.e., authentication protocol). So, the trick was to create a mostly bogus chap-secrets file. Mine has

  ""   *   ""
in it. This causes pppd to send a NAK rather than a REJ. With the SPAP registry key removed, the next protocol attempted is PAP (which is what I'm using).

Other points are to make sure that *only* TCP/IP services are enabled in RAS (not NetBEUI nor IPX [Ed: IPX is being addressed. Until it is installed properly, this is probably a good thing to disable as well.]). I also had to fiddle with a couple of other registry keys to kill timeouts (which are problematic when you're only doing TCP/IP):

    Autodisconnect: REG_DWORD: 0

and to get my routing to work correctly:

    DisableOtherSrcPackets: REG_DWORD: 0

For completeness, the key that needs to be disabled to eliminate SPAP:


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