6. NET-3 Supported functionality.

Contents of this section

The NET code is a complete kernel based implementation of tcp/ip for Linux.

6.1 General Support

The recent NET-3 versions of code support:

Ethernet Cards

most popular ethernet cards are supported. Including some portable, pocket adaptors and PCI.

SLIP (Serial Line IP) and PPP (Point to Point Protocol)

for tcp/ip networking over serial lines such as the telephone via modem, or a local cable between two machines.

Van Jacobsen Header Compression

for compressing the tcp/ip headers to improve SLIP/PPP performance over low speed lines.

PLIP (Parallel Lines IP)

to allow local connections between two machines using your printer ports.

EQL Load balancing

allows you to use two (or more) links to connect your machine to another machine or the Internet (provided your ISP supports it) to effectively double your bandwidth. New release kernels support this.

NFS (Networked File System)

to allow you to remotely mount another machines filesystems across a network connection.

IPX (Novell)

to allow you to write custom IPX applications, or to use Linux as an IPX router.

Sun's Network Information System - NIS

An NIS implementation has been ported to Linux should you wish to use it.


An ARCNet driver has been written and is included in recent kernels. It might not be as fast as ethernet but the cards are much cheaper.

IBM's Token Ring

to allow linux to be installed on a Token Ring lan. An experimental Token Ring driver has been written is included in recent kernels.


Or is this EtherTalk ? Either way, I think this will let you shares files and printers with your Macintosh. See `Experimental and Developmental modules.' below.

WaveLan Wireless Lan Card support

to allow you to operate your linux machine in a mobile fashion or at some distance from your network. Support for the WaveLan Wireless lan card is now included in recent kernels.


There is some experimental support for some proprietary ISDN cards available. See `Experimental and Developmental modules.' below.


There is a team of programmers working to provide ATM support for Linux.

IP firewalling

to assist in configuring your Linux machine as a secure firewall gateway.

IP Accounting

to allow you to keep track of who is using how much of your network.

IP tunnelling

to allow mobile IP experimentation

The NET-3 network code does not yet currently support:

SPX/NCP (Novell Netware) support

to allow Linux to serve and mount Novell network filesystems or use Novell printers. This is being worked on but due to the proprietary nature of the product it may take some time to do.


There is currently no support that I know of for FDDI cards for Linux.

System-V streams

there is a team of people working on System-V streams for Linux, details are presented later.

6.2 Supported Ethernet cards.

The 1.2.0 linux kernel release supports the following types of Ethernet cards:

Later versions of the Kernel software may support a wider variety of cards.

If you intend using an ethernet card with Linux you should read the Ethernet-HOWTO as it contains a lot of very useful information on the supported ethernet cards, including information on how to choose an ethernet card if you are intending to purchase some specifically for Linux.

As mentioned above, Linux supports other means of network connection if you don't have access to an ethernet card or connection. Many universities and businesses worldwide offer some form of dial-up network access. Generally these forms of access will offer an option of either SLIP or PPP access, so you will be well catered for. All you will need is a telephone modem, the one you already have may well be good enough and to configure your Linux system appropriately. There are sections below that describe exactly what you need.

6.3 Support for Amateur Radio

Linux now supports a number of features specifically for Amateur Radio. The latest alpha kernels are now distributed with standard support for:

AX.25 Support

Alan Cox and Jonathan Naylor have kernel based AX.25 socket support working.

NetRom Support

Jonathan Naylor has developed kernel based NetRom support. It is still experimental but is progressing well.

Ottawa PI Card

A mature driver for the Ottawa PI card has been developed by Dave Perry of the Ottawa Packet Radio Group.

Generic SCC card driver

A generic driver for SCC cards is now included in alpha kernels developed by Joerg Reuter.

A kernel user network link driver

for linking user programs to the kernel without messy pty's.

Further detail on the Amateur Radio support can be found in the HAM-HOWTO .

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