3. Questions already ?

Contents of this section

`The only stupid question is the unasked one.'

If you have general configuration questions and you have been unable to find the answers after reading the other various HOWTO and FAQ files, then you would be best served to post them to comp.os.linux.networking, or, if you believe your question to be specifically related to the Linux Network code, then you could post it to the NET mailing list. Please include as much relevant information as possible, there is nothing more annoying than to have a bug or problem reported without sufficient information to even begin searching for it.

Version numbers and revisions of code, a detailed account of the problem, and the circumstances that caused it to occur, are essential. Trace and debug messages where available should also be considered mandatory.

If you have a question relating to the configuration of, or problems experienced with, any linux distribution, regardless of who has provided it, please contact the people who created the distribution first before attempting to report the problem to the network code developers. The reason for this is that some of the distributions use non-standard directory structures and supply test/non-standard versions of code and utilities. The developers of the NET-2 code cannot be expected to offer support for the network code as distributed in any form, other than as described in this document, or as per distributed Alpha test instructions.

To join the Linux linux-net channel on the mail list server, send mail to:

with the line:
subscribe linux-net
as the message body and you will be subscribed. The subject line is ignored. Remember, keep in mind that the linux-net channel is for development discussions only.

A PPP list has been established. To join it, use the same procedure as for joining the linux-net channel, except specify linux-ppp in place of linux-net in the message body.

Note also that a linux-hams list has been established. This list has been established for the discussion of programs related to Amateur Radio. To join it, follow the same procedure as for joining the linux-net or linux-ppp channels, except specify linux-hams in place of linux-net in the message body.

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