6. Notes on Known Problems

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Steve Greene tells us: These are problems I ran into and how I fixed them (e.g., this is my "Been There, Done That" troubleshooting list):

1. This is my parochial list on thw problems I had; it is not a generic troubleshooting list!

2. It's probably RedHat/Caldera - centric.

6.1 An error message refers to /dev/zero

Go root and do `chmod 666 /dev/zero'.


Occasionally, you may get a screen full of error messages, and the system cheerfully fills up your swap space and locks-up.

You're probably missing a library someplace. Rerun ldconfig -v and see what's missing. Perhaps LD_LIBRARY_PATH or CLASS_PATH is not set. Finally, some applets are buggy or lock up the Linux JDK.

(BTW, you can stop the lock-up by having another Xterm open with top running; use top to kill the java process BEFORE it fills up swap and hangs your system!)

Java seems to want lots of resources, so I'd keep the number of running/open apps on my desktop to a minimum. It will load on a 486DX-2-75 with 8 Mbytes RAM and 16 Mbytes swap (it'll take a minute, though). I was able to get two animation applets running simultaneously (sort of) before my system ran out of swap space and hung.

6.3 bin/java, bin/javac, or bin/appletviewer gives you a help screen

You left out some command-line parameter.

6.4 Problem Logging

Finally, Joey Oravec tells us that HotJava keeps a log of what it does and any problems in encounters. If you're up to diagnosing something yourself, look at $HOME/.hotjava/weblog in the user's home directory. That file will make it more obvious if you're perhaps missing a library or something.

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