1. Introduction

Contents of this section

1.1 Welcome

Welcome to the Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO. This document lists most of the hardware supported by Linux, now if only people would read this first before posting their questions on Usenet.

Subsections titled Others list hardware with alpha or beta drivers in varying degrees of usability or other drivers that aren't included in standard kernels. Note that some drivers only exist in alpha kernels, so if you see something listed as supported but isn't in your version of the Linux kernel, upgrade.

The latest version of this document can be found on the net at the usual sites where the Linux HOWTO's are kept.

If you know of any Linux hardware (in)compatibilities not listed here please let me know, just send mail or find me on IRC. Thanks.

1.2 Copyright

Standard LDP copyrights apply. If you use this or any other Linux HOWTO's in a commercial distribution, it would be nice to send the authors a complimentary copy of your product.

1.3 System architectures

This document only deals with Linux for Intel platforms, for other platforms check the following:

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