3. The preliminaries

Contents of this section

Note that I (the howto-maintainer) no longer use ftape myself, so I cannot give much up-to-date advice on e.g. compiling ftape. If you have a problem, try posting on comp.os.linux.help, or to the tape discussion list on vger.rutger.edu (see Following the ftape development below). You should try to post a summary of your problems and its solution(s), after you've got it working, even if you only got it partially working. Please also send me (<khp@pip.dknet.dk>) a copy of your solution so that I can add it to the HOWTO.

I read my mail daily, I try to respond to everyone, but I cannot guarantee that I will respond immediately. Also, I seldomly read the newsgroups (comp.os.linux.help et al), as my Internet access is through a modem line and I have to read news On-line 8-(.

If you recieve this as part of a printed distribution or on a CD-ROM, please check out the Linux Documentation home page or ftp to ftp://sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/doc/HOWTO to see if there exists a more recent version. This could potentially save you a lot of troubles.

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