5. European Distributions

Contents of this section

These are distributions intended for use by non-English-speakers. So far, all happen to be German.

5.1 S.u.S.E. GmbH German Linux CD-ROM


S.u.S.E. GmbH
Gebhardtstrasse 2
90762 Fuerth

Net: bestellung@suse.de
Vox: +49 911-74053-31
Fax: +49 911-7417755

Provider's Description:

This is a CD especially for German users. It contains a German version of the Slackware Distribution and two additional german distributions based on Slackware and SLS. It contains additional software, such as the Postgres system, the pbm-Tools and lots of other tools and utilities (ctwm window manager, GREAT environment, andrew toolkit, the POV-ray raytracer and so on). The source code of the complete system is included, too, as is a live system to enable using software without the need to install everything to the harddrive. The current version of the CD contains version 2.3 of the Slackware distribution containing version 1.2.12 of the linux kernel, and XFree86tm 3.1.2.

A German installation guide will help new users to successfully install the system.


By mail, see contact information above.

Price: The price for a single CD is 89,-- DM for new customers. If you are already a S.u.S.E.-customer, you will get the CD for an update-price of 78,-- DM. There is also the posibility to subscribe for one year; then you will receive 4 CDs for the price of 230,-- DM.

Disks: Of course, you can get the German version of the Slackware Distribution on 3,5" disks. You can get either a basis version of the distribution (about 28 disks) for 89,-- DM, the "standard" version (about 38 disks) for 119,-- DM or the "full" version (about 59 disks) for 159,-- DM. The update prices are 69,-- DM, 94,-- DM and 139,-- DM respectively.

Documentation: S.u.S.E. is selling high-quality printed issues of the books from the Linux Documentation project (LDP) for people that would like to have a real book and not only printed loose papers. The prices are 24,-- DM for Matt Welsh's Linux Installation and Getting Started, 39,-- DM for Olaf Kirch's Network Administrators' Guide and 29,-- DM for Michael K. Johnson's Kernel Hackers' guide. Additionally, S.u.S.E. offers the complete O'Reilly series which is the best documentation available for Unix in general. Of course you can order the well known German Linux books: Deutsches Anwenderhandbuch for 49,-- DM and Linux - vom PC zur Workstation for 38,-- DM.

Motif: Metrolink Motif for Linux is available for the price of 169,-- DM for the runtime system only and for the price of 288,-- DM you will get the runtime and development system.


Service and support for our customers by Email, Fax, snail mail and phone (hotline Monday and Thursday from 13:00h-17:00h.)


Free info material and catalogues of CDROMs and books. (All Infomagic Unix CDs available).

Selling commercial software for Linux.

Development of individual software for Linux and other Unix systems.

Almost anything concerning Linux - just ask!

Entry last modified:

23 November 1995

5.2 Unifix 1.02 CD-ROM


Unifix Software GmbH
Postfach 4918
D-38039 Braunschweig, Germany

Vox: +49 (0)531 515161
Fax: +49 (0)531 515162

Provider's Description:

This is a Linux CD-ROM distribution with emphasis on easy and fast installation. Though it is possible to install everything on the hard disk, we do not recommend doing so, because it runs fast enough directly from CD. For example starting emacs the first time (in text mode) takes:

                From single speed Mitsumi: 24 s
                From double speed Mitsumi: 11 s
                From Toshiba 3401:          7 s

The dynamic buffer cache of Linux takes care of the second and subsequent times a program is started, which needs less than one second.

Our system requires about 5 MB on the hard disk for configuration files and system management tools. Additionally we recommend a 16 MB swap partition. The distribution contains most of the standard programs in current versions, e.g. Linux 0.99.15e, XFree 2.0, emacs 19.22 and gcc 2.5.7. Full preconfigured source for everything is included.

Because Unifix is a European distribution it provides full support for iso8859-1 character sets. From the shells and emacs through ls, TeX and the print system everything supports 8-bit characters.

Printing is supported through System V compatible printer drivers which can be controlled through lp's -o options. Printer drivers are included for dumb text mode printers, for postscript- or ghostscript- compatible printers and for networked printing. These drivers know how to guess the type of the files so e.g. compressed man pages or DVI files can be printed directly.


Unifix is available only on CD. It comes in a Unifix/Linux binder with two boot floppies and about 70 pages of installation instructions in german. An english version will be available Apr 94. The price is 159 DM (about $100) and includes taxes and shipping; Eurocard/Mastercard/Visa are accepted.

Entry last modified:

18 February 1994

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