4. Disclaimer

Contents of this section

This HOWTO is not actually a HOWTO in the sense of the Linux Documentation Project . Instead, it is an instrument to investigate the commercial Linux opportunity and to list applications which were already ported and marketed in a native Linux version. As a software vendor, you probably know that you can alternatively offer Linux users a statically linked SCO version of your application which would probably run under the iBCS2 emulator (albeit with a small performance penalty and higher memory requirements). Such applications will not be listed here (but see the iBCS2 documentation ).

I will not select nor deselect any particular product. Instead, everyone who wants to have his/her product included will be serviced. However, I reserve the right to shorten individual entries to keep things in shape.

If you don't find a particular product or vendor in this list, this is probably due to one of the following reasons:

In any case, please kick me if you feel someone's missing, also if you discover any errors in the file. But don't forget: I'm not being paid for that job ;-) .

Sometimes two vendor's addresses are mentioned in the "Vendor:" field. In these cases I received the information from the German subsidiary / distributor. The original manufacturer's address is always mentioned first.

My comments in the text are enclosed in parentheses () and marked with my initials "hm".

As for text formatting, I apologize that I can't put horizontal rulers between entries as suggested. linuxdoc-sgml-1.1 which I'm still using doesn't offer this feature.

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