2. About this document

Contents of this section

This is the Linux Commercial-HOWTO. It contains commercial application software which is available for Linux. The Commercial-HOWTO will not contain Linux distributions and related stuff -- that's what the Distribution-HOWTO is for. Actually, this document should have been called the "Linux Commercial Application HOWTO" to avoid confusion, but that seemed somehow unhandy to me...

If you need to know more about the Linux Documentation Project or about Linux HOWTO's, feel free to contact the supervisor Greg Hankins

This HOWTO will contain tabular entries for each product (example follows). The entry format is similar to the new Linux Software Map (LSM) entry (field/stanza lengths are arbitrary). Please: KEEP SHORT. Otherwise I'll have to shorten your data, and I hate work (and you don't want to have important data omitted, right?) ;-)


SHORT description of the package, just the basic functionality

Distribution Media:

diskettes, CD-ROM, tapes or others

Licensing Policy:

whatever applies. is there a free demo or shareware version available via FTP? Where?

OS Provisions:

kernel version, XFree86 version, Motif version, RAM, harddisk usage etc.


printed documentation, page number, online help, language

Product Support:

update service, maintenance, training and prices thereof

Linux Support:

if you bundle a complete Linux system with your software, which kind of support do you offer for the operating system? prices?

Extra Features and Add-Ons:

and their prices

Available Since:

the date you started shipping the Linux version

Countries with Distribution:

if you ship in too many countries to name them all, naming regional distribution channels is okay.

Price Range:

whatever it costs

Installed Base:

how many copies of the Linux version did you sell by now? (This piece of information will be kept secret if you wish. I'd just like to know what's going on... thank you.)


phone (U.S. and Canada: if you like to be reachable internationally,
       please don't enter only a 1-800 number. There are some more
       countries than just the U.S. and Canada. Just to remind you ;^)
e-mail address  
contact person

I'll post the list to several national and international newsgroups on a monthly basis. In addition, the Commercial-HOWTO is available via FTP (the latest and greatest, ASCII, DVI, Postscript and HTML formats) and will be uploaded to sunsite.unc.edu if there were changes. WWW users can access the document at URL http://www.ix.de/ix/linux/Commercial-HOWTO.html (mirrored at http://fvkma.tu-graz.ac.at/howto/Commercial-HOWTO.html ).

The Commercial-HOWTO is not a forum for product announcements or marketing hypes and no ad space -- it is a service to potential customers and the whole Linux community. Resellers will not be listed -- the list is for companies who produce their software themselves. Two main goals are being aimed at:

1. It shall help companies who want to run Linux to find software solutions and applications. The international distribution of this list will enhance the contact opportunity.

2. It is meant to prove the commercial useability of Linux and thus to encourage other vendors to port their software as well.

Companies and developers who are offering their products for Linux and interested in joining the Commercial-HOWTO are invited to fill in the following form and contact me via ( e-mail , preferred) or fax (+49 (0)511/5352-361). If you happen to know a company which does, please drop me a note. If you send me an entry for your product(s), please don't forget to send me timely updates if appropriate.

Please do me a favor and see the section "Marketing aspects ..." for a questionnaire concerning marketing aspects ...

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Table of contents of this chapter, General table of contents

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