Walnut Creek CDROM Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill (Zephyr Software, Austin, TX) submit their MS-DOS real-mode SVGA graphics library for MSC, Borland C, and Symantec C/C++. SVGACC provides an easy interface to the high resolution/high color video modes of the newer SVGA video cards. There has been no standard for VGA video cards above the 320x200x256 resolution. Instead, each video card manufacturer has implemented a slightly different method to access these high resolution/high color video modes. SVGACC automatically identifies the video card and its installed memory. Users may write graphics programs that will work on most any SVGA card without writing specific versions for each individual SVGA card. Over 100 functions support sprite animation, drawing primitives, fills, 3-D views and much more. SVGACC is written in 100% assembly language and uses 80386 32-bit registers for the best possible speed. SVGACC version 2.1 (as released on 05/09/94) is immediately available as CUG volume #433.

Index of /vol_400/433_01/

Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill (Zephyr Software, Austin, TX) submit their MS-DOS real-mode SVGA graphics library for MSC, Borland C, and Symantec C/C++. SVGACC provides an easy interface to the high resolution/high color video modes of the newer SVGA video cards. There has been no standard for VGA video cards above the 320x200x256 resolution. Instead, each video card manufacturer has implemented a slightly different method to access these high resolution/high color video modes. SVGACC automatically identifies the video card and its installed memory. Users may write graphics programs that will work on most any SVGA card without writing specific versions for each individual SVGA card. Over 100 functions support sprite animation, drawing primitives, fills, 3-D views and much more. SVGACC is written in 100% assembly language and uses 80386 32-bit registers for the best possible speed. SVGACC version 2.1 (as released on 05/09/94) is immediately available as CUG volume #433.

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14780 05-09-94 05-09-94
101686 05-09-94 05-09-94
7423 05-09-94 05-09-94
60849 05-09-94 05-09-94

Copyright ©1995 Walnut Creek CDROM