Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 by Roger Sayle ( The information supplied in this document is believed to be true but no liability is assumed for its use or for the infringements of the rights of the others resulting from its use. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the supplier. This package is sold/distributed subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the supplier's prior consent, in any form of packaging or cover other than that in which it was produced. No part of this manual or accompanying software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system on optical or magnetic disk, tape or any other medium, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use. This product is not to be used in the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility nor the flight, navigation or communication of aircraft or ground support equipment. The author shall not be liable, in whole or in part, for any claims or damages arising from such use, including death, bancruptcy or outbreak of war. INTRODUCTION ============ RasMol2 is an X11 windows system tool intended for the visualisation of proteins and nucleic acids. RasMol requires either an 8bit pseudo colour or a 24bit (32bit) true colour display. The program reads in a specified Brookhaven protein databank (PDB) file and determines the connectivity from the residue information provided. This may then rendered on the screen in a variety of formats and colour schemes. Currently available molecule representations include depth-cued wireframes, sticks, space filling `union of spheres', ball and stick models and protein ribbon diagrams. COMMANDS ======== RasMol allows the execution of interactive commands typed at the "RasMol>" prompt in the terminal window. Each command must be given on a separate line. Keywords are case insensitive and may be entered in either upper or lower case letters. All whitespace characters are ignored except to separate keywords and their arguments. The commands/keywords currently recognised by RasMol are given below. Backbone -------- Syntax: backbone {} backbone The RasMol `backbone' command permits the representation of a polypeptide backbone as a series of bonds connecting the adjacent alpha carbons of each amino acid in a chain. The display of these backbone `bonds' is turned on and off by the command paramater the same as the `wireframe' command. The command `backbone off' turns off the selected `bonds', and `backbone on' or with a number turns them on. The number can be used to determine the cylinder radius of the representation in 0.004 angstrom units. Backbone objects may be coloured using the RasMol `colour backbone' command. A parameter value of 500 (2 angstroms) or above results in an "Integer argument too large" error. Background ---------- Syntax: background The RasMol `background' command is used to set the colour of the "canvas" background. The colour may be given as either a colour name or a comma separated triple of Red, Green and Blue (RGB) components enclosed in square brackets. Typing the command `help colours' will give a list of the predefined colour names recognised by RasMol. When running under X Windows, RasMol also recognises colours in the X server's colour name database. Centre ------ Syntax: center {} centre {} The RasMol `centre' command defines the point about which the `rotate' command and the scroll bars rotate the current molecule. Without a parameter the centre command resets the centre of rotation to be the centre of gravity of the molecule. If an atom expression is specified, RasMol rotates the molecule about the centre of gravity of the set of atoms specified by the expression. Hence, if a single atom is specified by the expression, that atom will remain `stationary' during rotations. Type `help expression' for more information on RasMol atom expressions. Colour ------ Syntax: colour {} color {} Colour the atoms (or other objects) of the selected zone. The colour may be given as either a colour name or a comma separated triple of Red, Green and Blue (RGB) components enclosed in square brackets. Typing the command `help colours' will give a list of all the predefined colour names recognised by RasMol. Allowed objects are `atoms,' `bonds,' `backbone,' `hbonds,' `ribbons' and `ssbonds.' If no object is specified, the default keyword `atom' is assumed. Some colour schemes are defined for certain object types. The colour scheme `none' can be applied all objects accept atoms, stating that the selected objects have no colour of their own, but use the colour of their associated atoms (i.e. the atoms they connect). `Atom' objects can also be coloured by `amino,' `cpk,' `chain,' `group,' `shapely,' `structure,' `temperature' and `user' and hydrogen bond objects can also be coloured by `type.' For more information type `help colour .' HBonds ------ Syntax: hbonds {} hbonds The RasMol `hbond' command is used to represent the hydrogen bonding of the protein molecule's backbone. This information is useful in assessing the protein's secondary structure. Hydrogen bonds are represented as either dotted lines or cylinders between the donor and acceptor residues. The first time the `hbond' command is used, the program searches the structure of the molecule to find hydrogen bonded residues and reports the number of bonds to the user. The command `hbonds on' displays the selected `bonds' as dotted lines, and the `hbonds off' turns off their display. The colour of hbond objects may be changed by the `colour hbond' command. Initially, each hydrogen bond has the colours of its connected atoms. By default the dotted lines are drawn between the accepting oxygen and the donating nitrogen. By using the `set hbonds' command the alpha carbon positions of the appropriate residues may be used instead. This is especially useful when examining proteins in backbone representation. Help ---- Syntax: help { {}} ? { {} The RasMol `help' command provides on-line help on the given topic. Load ---- Syntax: load {pdb} load alchemy Load either a Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB) file or Alchemy(tm) format file into RasMol2. Only a single PDB file may be loaded at a time. This command selects all the atoms in the molecule, and sets the default representation to be a cpk coloured wireframe model. Quit ---- Syntax: quit exit Exit from the RasMol program. Renumber -------- Syntax: renumber {{-} } The RasMol `renumber' command sequentially numbers the residues in a macromolecular chain. The optional parameter specifies the value of the first residue in the sequence. By default, this value is one. For proteins, each amino acid is numbered consecutively from the N terminus to the C terminus. For nucleic acids, each base is numbered from the 5' terminus to 3' terminus. All chains in the current database are renumbered and gaps in the original sequence are ignored. The starting value for numbering may be negative. Reset ----- Syntax: reset The RasMol `reset' command restores the original viewing transformation and centre of rotation. The scale is set to it default value, `zoom 100,' the centre of rotation is set to the geometric centre of the currently loaded molecule, `centre all,' this centre is translated to the middle of the screen and the viewpoint set to the default orientation. This command should not be mistaken for the RasMol `zap' command which deletes the currently stored molecule, returning the program to its initial state. Restrict -------- Syntax: restrict {} The RasMol `restrict' command both defines the currently active zone of the molecule and disables the representation of (most of) those parts of the molecule no longer selected. All subsequent RasMol commands that modify a molecule's colour or representation effect only the currently selected zone. The parameter of a `restrict' command is a RasMol atom expression that is evaluated for every atom of the current molecule. This command is very similar to the RasMol `select' command, except restrict disables the `wireframe,' `spacefill' and `backbone' representations in the non-active zone. Type "help expression" for more information on RasMol atom expressions. Ribbons ------- Syntax: ribbons {} ribbons The RasMol `ribbons' command displays the currently loaded protein as a smooth "ribbon" of depth-cued curves passing along the backbone of the protein. The ribbon is composed of a number of strands that run parallel to one another along the peptide plane of each residue. The ribbon is drawn between each amino acid whose alpha carbon is currently selected. The colour of the ribbon is changed by the RasMol `colour ribbon' command. If the current ribbon colour is `none' (the default), the colour is taken from the alpha carbon at each position along its length. The width of the ribbon at each position is determined by the optional parameter in the usual RasMol units. By default this value is 380, which produces a ribbon 1.52 Angstroms wide. The number of strands in the ribbon may be altered using the RasMol `set strands' command. The rendering of the ribbon may also be changed using the `set ribbons' command. Rotate ------ Syntax: rotate {-} Rotate the molecule about the specified axis. Permited values for the axis parameter are "x", "y" and "z". The integer parameter states the angle in degrees for the structure to be rotated. For the X and Y axes, positive values move the closest point up and right, and negative values move it down and left respectively. For the Z axis, a positive rotation acts clockwise and a negative angle anti-clockwise. Save ---- Syntax: save {pdb} save alchemy Save the currently selected set of atoms in either a Brookhaven Protein Database (PDB) or Alchemy(tm) format file. This command should not be confused with the RasMol `write' command which generates either image or script files. Script ------ Syntax: script The RasMol `script' command reads a set of commands sequentially from a text file and executes them. This allows sequences of commonly used commands to be stored and performed by a single command. A RasMol script file may contain a further script command up to a maximum "depth" of 10, allowing compilicated sequences of actions to be executed. Select ------ Syntax: select {} Define the currently active zone of the molecule. All subsequent RasMol commands that manipulate a molecule or modify its colour or representation, only effects the currently selected zone. The parameter of a `select' command is a RasMol expression that is evaluated for every atom of the current molecule. The currently selected (active) zone of the molecule are those atoms that cause the expression to evaluate true. To select the whole molecule use the RasMol command `select all.' Type "help expression" for more information on RasMol atom expressions. Set --- Syntax: set {