Nigel Salt (Crayford, Kent, U.K.) contributes a variety of standalone tools and libraries with source code in C for MS-DOS. This is the first time source code for many of these tools has been released. Some of the programs are written specifically for Borland Turbo C while others are intended for use with Microsoft C (MSC). All programs are shareware with reasonable registration fees ($15 or less) or donationware (whatever you feel is appropriate).
Index of /vol_400/416_01/
Nigel Salt (Crayford, Kent, U.K.) contributes a variety of standalone tools and libraries with source code in C for MS-DOS. This is the first time source code for many of these tools has been released. Some of the programs are written specifically for Borland Turbo C while others are intended for use with Microsoft C (MSC). All programs are shareware with reasonable registration fees ($15 or less) or donationware (whatever you feel is appropriate).
- 16to256/
- 8pdj/
- dumpns/
- grep/
- imed/
- matrix/
- pcgdem/
- pcslide/
- saltsoft.txt
- 1098 02-15-94 02-16-94
- spiro/
- turgra/
- vidstate/