Walnut Creek CDROM Arindam Banerji (Dept. of Computer Sci. & Eng, University of Notre Dame) contributes his Run Time Type Information library for C++. Run Time Type Information (RTTI) is a C++ language extension proposed by the ANSI C++ committee. Although the extension is intended to implemented as part of native C++ compilers, it may be a long time before this comes to fruition. Fortunately, Banerji's implementation of RTTI as a C++ library means that you can start taking advantage of it right away. His system is loosely based on the RTTI system demonstrated by Stousroup in "The C++ Programming Language". RTTI for C++ works *ONLY* with Unix based C++ implementations due to file naming conventions that are *INCOMPATIBLE* with MS-DOS. RTTI for C++, as released on 11/03/93, is now available is CUG #414. 1/2

Index of /vol_400/415_01/

Arindam Banerji (Dept. of Computer Sci. & Eng, University of Notre Dame) contributes his Run Time Type Information library for C++. Run Time Type Information (RTTI) is a C++ language extension proposed by the ANSI C++ committee. Although the extension is intended to implemented as part of native C++ compilers, it may be a long time before this comes to fruition. Fortunately, Banerji's implementation of RTTI as a C++ library means that you can start taking advantage of it right away. His system is loosely based on the RTTI system demonstrated by Stousroup in "The C++ Programming Language". RTTI for C++ works *ONLY* with Unix based C++ implementations due to file naming conventions that are *INCOMPATIBLE* with MS-DOS. RTTI for C++, as released on 11/03/93, is now available is CUG #414. 1/2

51 12-20-93 12-21-93
155 07-26-94 07-27-94
872 03-22-94 03-23-94
299392 03-22-94 03-23-94

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