************************* MASTER CODE *************************************** The name of the first file in this disk's directory identifies the volume, issue number and revision of the disk. The format of this filename is: !CDmvvii.rrr where ! = the '!' character m = C for C Users Journal, W for Windows/DOS Developer's Journal vv = volume ii = issue rrr = revision (001 for initial release, 002 for next update, etc.) The file UPDATE.DOC contains information about any additions or corrections to material on the disk since the original magazine publication. If you have obtained this code from a floppy diskette or from CompuServe, the headings under the column "FILENAME" represent the names of .ZIP files. All files listed under the filename are archived in the .ZIP file. If you have obtained this code from UUNET, the headings under the column "FILENAME" represent the names of subdirectories. All files listed under the "filename" are included in a subdirectory of that name. Keywords: Jul95 C C+ STL Sort Class Generator Queue Search Linkage string The code listings for the July 1995 issue of C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Beman Dawes' word count programs that use the Standard Template Library, K.B. Williams' sort function test routines, Adrian Barbu's C++ class generator, Scott Guthrie's AutoQueue classes, John Ross's string search routines, and Clive Feather's illustration of linkage in C. Also included are listings from Dan Saks' column, Stepping Up to C++. ************************* FILE DESCRIPTION ********************************** The following files are included in the disk: FILENAME AUTHOR-NAME TITLE PAGE (Zip archive/ subdirectory name) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dawes Beman Dawes You Can Count On It 23 count1.cpp - listing 1, Count1 program count2.cpp - listing 2, Count2 program count3.cpp - listing 3, Count3 program count.cpp - listing 4, Final Count program williams K. B. Williams Testing Sort Functions 33 tstsort.c - listing 1, Primary function tstsort rvstbyhv.c - listing 2, Reverse-sorted-by-halves target generator tsrtdefs.h - listing 3, Header file for tstsort.c mqsort.c - listing 4, Tests Microsoft's version of Quicksort william2 K. B. Williams Testing Sort Functions 33 (55 files) Complete source listings and documentation william3 K. B. Williams Testing Sort Functions 33 (12 files) MS-DOS executable files (.exe) barbu Adrian Barbu A C++ Class Generator 45 __GEN__.HPP - listing 1, A pattern file, which serves as a template for code generation STR.HPP - listing 2, A string class used by the class generator ENGINE.HPP - listing 3, ENGINE and SYM class definitions ENGINE.CPP - listing 4, ENGINE class implementation WENGINE.HPP - listing 5, Classes WENGINE and WSYM, which link ENGINE and SYM classes to the user interface barbu2 Adrian Barbu A C++ Class Generator 45 (17 files) Complete source listings guthrie R. Scott A Simple, Easy AutoQueue Class 55 Guthrie autoq.hpp - listing 1, Header file for AutoQueue class autoq.cpp - listing 2, AutoQueue class implementation aqmsg.hpp - listing 3, Defines class AutoQueueMessage, derived from AutoQueue aqmsg.cpp - listing 4, Implementation of AutoQueueMessage aqtest.cpp - listing 5, AutoQueue test program ross John W. Ross Fast String Searching 63 brute.c - listing 1, Brute force string searching function test.c - listing 2, Main program for testing string search functions fcfind.c - listing 3, First character string searching function ssfind.c - listing 4, String searching function using C library function strstr() fclffind.c - listing 5, First character, low frequency string searching function bmhfind.c - listing 6, Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm implementation mainbmh.c - listing 7, Main program for the Boyer-Moore-Horspool function, bmhfind feather Clive D.W. Understanding the Standard -- 71 Linkage function.c - listing 1, Illustrates linkage rules for function declarations variable.c - listing 2, Illustrates linkage rules for variable declarations and definitions saks Dan Saks Stepping Up to C++: Other 81 Assorted Changes, Part 1 noeval.cpp - listing 1, A program that illustrates the effect of when a program does not evaluate the left operand of a member access expression letters We Have Mail 111 filter.c - listing 1, Filtering by repeatedly discarding outliers ******************************************************************************* If you have questions regarding to the disk, please call or write us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R&D Publications, Inc. 1601 W. 23rd St. Suite 200 Lawrence, KS 66046 (913) 841-1631 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------