Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (1L)
Updated: GNU Shell Utilities
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who - show who is logged on  


who [-imqsuwHT] [--count] [--idle] [--heading] [--help] [--message] [--mesg] [--version] [--writable] [file] [am i]  


This manual page documents the GNU version of who. If given no non-option arguments, who prints the following information for each user currently logged on:
login name
terminal line
login time
remote hostname or X display

If given one non-option argument, who uses that instead of /etc/utmp as the name of the file containing the record of users logged on. /etc/wtmp is commonly given as an argument to who to look at who has previously logged on.

If given two non-option arguments, who prints only the entry for the user running it (determined from its standard input), preceded by the hostname. Traditionally, the two arguments given are `am i', as in `who am i'.  


Same as `who am i'.
-q, --count
Print only the login names and the number of users logged on. Overrides all other options.
Ignored; for compatibility with other versions of who.
-i, -u, --idle
After the login time, print the number of hours and minutes that the user has been idle. `.' means the user was active in last minute. `old' means the user was idle for more than 24 hours.
-H, --heading
Print a line of column headings.
-w, -T, --mesg, --message, --writable
Like -s, plus after the login name print a character indicating the user's message status:
allowing write messages
disallowing write messages
cannot find terminal device
Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.




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Time: 12:13:48 GMT, September 19, 2022