This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file m4.texinfo. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * m4: (m4). A powerful macro processor. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents the GNU `m4' utility. Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. File:, Node: Debug Output, Prev: Debug Levels, Up: Debugging Saving debugging output ======================= Debug and tracing output can be redirected to files using either the `-o' option to `m4', or with the builtin macro `debugfile': debugfile(opt FILENAME) will send all further debug and trace output to FILENAME. If FILENAME is empty, debug and trace output are discarded and if `debugfile' is called without any arguments, debug and trace output are sent to the standard error output. File:, Node: Input Control, Next: File Inclusion, Prev: Debugging, Up: Top Input control ************* This chapter describes various builtin macros for controlling the input to `m4'. * Menu: * Dnl:: Deleting whitespace in input * Changequote:: Changing the quote characters * Changecom:: Changing the comment delimiters * Changeword:: Changing the lexical structure of words * M4wrap:: Saving input until end of input File:, Node: Dnl, Next: Changequote, Prev: Input Control, Up: Input Control Deleting whitespace in input ============================ The builtin `dnl' reads and discards all characters, up to and including the first newline: dnl and it is often used in connection with `define', to remove the newline that follow the call to `define'. Thus define(`foo', `Macro `foo'.')dnl A very simple macro, indeed. foo =>Macro foo. The input up to and including the next newline is discarded, as opposed to the way comments are treated (*note Comments::.). Usually, `dnl' is immediately followed by an end of line or some other whitespace. GNU `m4' will produce a warning diagnostic if `dnl' is followed by an open parenthesis. In this case, `dnl' will collect and process all arguments, looking for a matching close parenthesis. All predictable side effects resulting from this collection will take place. `dnl' will return no output. The input following the matching close parenthesis up to and including the next newline, on whatever line containing it, will still be discarded. File:, Node: Changequote, Next: Changecom, Prev: Dnl, Up: Input Control Changing the quote characters ============================= The default quote delimiters can be changed with the builtin `changequote': changequote(opt START, opt END) where START is the new start-quote delimiter and END is the new end-quote delimiter. If any of the arguments are missing, the default quotes (``' and `'') are used instead of the void arguments. The expansion of `changequote' is void. changequote([, ]) => define([foo], [Macro [foo].]) => foo =>Macro foo. If no single character is appropriate, START and END can be of any length. changequote([[, ]]) => define([[foo]], [[Macro [[[foo]]].]]) => foo =>Macro [foo]. Changing the quotes to the empty strings will effectively disable the quoting mechanism, leaving no way to quote text. define(`foo', `Macro `FOO'.') => changequote(, ) => foo =>Macro `FOO'. `foo' =>`Macro `FOO'.' There is no way in `m4' to quote a string containing an unmatched left quote, except using `changequote' to change the current quotes. Neither quote string should start with a letter or `_' (underscore), as they will be confused with names in the input. Doing so disables the quoting mechanism. File:, Node: Changecom, Next: Changeword, Prev: Changequote, Up: Input Control Changing comment delimiters =========================== The default comment delimiters can be changed with the builtin macro `changecom': changecom(opt START, opt END) where START is the new start-comment delimiter and END is the new end-comment delimiter. If any of the arguments are void, the default comment delimiters (`#' and newline) are used instead of the void arguments. The comment delimiters can be of any length. The expansion of `changecom' is void. define(`comment', `COMMENT') => # A normal comment =># A normal comment changecom(`/*', `*/') => # Not a comment anymore =># Not a COMMENT anymore But: /* this is a comment now */ while this is not a comment =>But: /* this is a comment now */ while this is not a COMMENT Note how comments are copied to the output, much as if they were quoted strings. If you want the text inside a comment expanded, quote the start comment delimiter. Calling `changecom' without any arguments disables the commenting mechanism completely. define(`comment', `COMMENT') => changecom => # Not a comment anymore =># Not a COMMENT anymore File:, Node: Changeword, Next: M4wrap, Prev: Changecom, Up: Input Control Changing the lexical structure of words ======================================= The macro `changeword' and all associated functionnality is experimental. It is only available if the `--enable-changeword' option was given to `configure', at GNU `m4' installation time. The functionnality might change or even go away in the future. *Do not rely on it*. Please direct your comments about it the same way you would do for bugs. A file being processed by `m4' is split into quoted strings, words (potential macro names) and simple tokens (any other single character). Initially a word is defined by the following regular expression: [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* Using `changeword', you can change this regular expression. Relaxing `m4''s lexical rules might be useful (for example) if you wanted to apply translations to a file of numbers: changeword(`[_a-zA-Z0-9]+') define(1, 0) =>1 Tightening the lexical rules is less useful, because it will generally make some of the builtins unavailable. You could use it to prevent accidental call of builtins, for example: define(`_indir', defn(`indir')) changeword(`_[_a-zA-Z0-9]*') esyscmd(foo) _indir(`esyscmd', `ls') Because `m4' constructs its words a character at a time, there is a restriction on the regular expressions that may be passed to `changeword'. This is that if your regular expression accepts `foo', it must also accept `f' and `fo'. `changeword' has another function. If the regular expression supplied contains any bracketed subexpressions, then text outside the first of these is discarded before symbol lookup. So: changecom(`/*', `*/') changeword(`#\([_a-zA-Z0-9]*\)') #esyscmd(ls) `m4' now requires a `#' mark at the beginning of every macro invocation, so one can use `m4' to preprocess shell scripts without getting `shift' commands swallowed, and plain text without losing various common words. `m4''s macro substitution is based on text, while TeX's is based on tokens. `changeword' can throw this difference into relief. For example, here is the same idea represented in TeX and `m4'. First, the TeX version: \def\a{\message{Hello}} \catcode`\@=0 \catcode`\\=12 =>@a =>@bye Then, the `m4' version: define(a, `errprint(`Hello')') changeword(`@\([_a-zA-Z0-9]*\)') =>@a In the TeX example, the first line defines a macro `a' to print the message `Hello'. The second line defines @ to be usable instead of \ as an escape character. The third line defines \ to be a normal printing character, not an escape. The fourth line invokes the macro `a'. So, when TeX is run on this file, it displays the message `Hello'. When the `m4' example is passed through `m4', it outputs `errprint(Hello)'. The reason for this is that TeX does lexical analysis of macro definition when the macro is *defined*. `m4' just stores the text, postponing the lexical analysis until the macro is *used*. You should note that using `changeword' will slow `m4' down by a factor of about seven. File:, Node: M4wrap, Prev: Changeword, Up: Input Control Saving input ============ It is possible to `save' some text until the end of the normal input has been seen. Text can be saved, to be read again by `m4' when the normal input has been exhausted. This feature is normally used to initiate cleanup actions before normal exit, e.g., deleting temporary files. To save input text, use the builtin `m4wrap': m4wrap(STRING, ...) which stores STRING and the rest of the arguments in a safe place, to be reread when end of input is reached. define(`cleanup', `This is the `cleanup' actions. ') => m4wrap(`cleanup') => This is the first and last normal input line. =>This is the first and last normal input line. ^D =>This is the cleanup actions. The saved input is only reread when the end of normal input is seen, and not if `m4exit' is used to exit `m4'. It is safe to call `m4wrap' from saved text, but then the order in which the saved text is reread is undefined. If `m4wrap' is not used recursively, the saved pieces of text are reread in the opposite order in which they were saved (LIFO--last in, first out). File:, Node: File Inclusion, Next: Diversions, Prev: Input Control, Up: Top File inclusion ************** `m4' allows you to include named files at any point in the input. * Menu: * Include:: Including named files * Search Path:: Searching for include files File:, Node: Include, Next: Search Path, Prev: File Inclusion, Up: File Inclusion Including named files ===================== There are two builtin macros in `m4' for including files: include(FILENAME) sinclude(FILENAME) both of which cause the file named FILENAME to be read by `m4'. When the end of the file is reached, input is resumed from the previous input file. The expansion of `include' and `sinclude' is therefore the contents of FILENAME. It is an error for an `include'd file not to exist. If you do not want error messages about non-existent files, `sinclude' can be used to include a file, if it exists, expanding to nothing if it does not. include(`no-such-file') => error-->30.include:2: m4: Cannot open no-such-file: No such file or directory sinclude(`no-such-file') => Assume in the following that the file `incl.m4' contains the lines: Include file start foo Include file end Normally file inclusion is used to insert the contents of a file into the input stream. The contents of the file will be read by `m4' and macro calls in the file will be expanded: define(`foo', `FOO') => include(`incl.m4') =>Include file start =>FOO =>Include file end => The fact that `include' and `sinclude' expand to the contents of the file can be used to define macros that operate on entire files. Here is an example, which defines `bar' to expand to the contents of `incl.m4': define(`bar', include(`incl.m4')) => This is `bar': >>>bar<<< =>This is bar: >>>Include file start =>foo =>Include file end =><<< This use of `include' is not trivial, though, as files can contain quotes, commas and parentheses, which can interfere with the way the `m4' parser works. The builtin macros `include' and `sinclude' are recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Search Path, Prev: Include, Up: File Inclusion Searching for include files =========================== GNU `m4' allows included files to be found in other directories than the current working directory. If a file is not found in the current working directory, and the file name is not absolute, the file will be looked for in a specified search path. First, the directories specified with the `-I' option will be searched, in the order found on the command line. Second, if the `M4PATH' environment variable is set, it is expected to contain a colon-separated list of directories, which will be searched in order. If the automatic search for include-files causes trouble, the `p' debug flag (*note Debug Levels::.) can help isolate the problem. File:, Node: Diversions, Next: Text handling, Prev: File Inclusion, Up: Top Diverting and undiverting output ******************************** Diversions are a way of temporarily saving output. The output of `m4' can at any time be diverted to a temporary file, and be reinserted into the output stream, "undiverted", again at a later time. Numbered diversions are counted from 0 upwards, diversion number 0 being the normal output stream. The number of simultaneous diversions is limited mainly by the memory used to describe them, because GNU `m4' tries to keep diversions in memory. However, there is a limit to the overall memory usable by all diversions taken altogether (512K, currently). When this maximum is about to be exceeded, a temporary file is opened to receive the contents of the biggest diversion still in memory, freeing this memory for other diversions. So, it is theoretically possible that the number of diversions be limited by the number of available file descriptors. * Menu: * Divert:: Diverting output * Undivert:: Undiverting output * Divnum:: Diversion numbers * Cleardiv:: Discarding diverted text File:, Node: Divert, Next: Undivert, Prev: Diversions, Up: Diversions Diverting output ================ Output is diverted using `divert': divert(opt NUMBER) where NUMBER is the diversion to be used. If NUMBER is left out, it is assumed to be zero. The expansion of `divert' is void. When all the `m4' input will have been processed, all existing diversions are automatically undiverted, in numerical order. divert(1) This text is diverted. divert => This text is not diverted. =>This text is not diverted. ^D => =>This text is diverted. Several calls of `divert' with the same argument do not overwrite the previous diverted text, but append to it. If output is diverted to a non-existent diversion, it is simply discarded. This can be used to suppress unwanted output. A common example of unwanted output is the trailing newlines after macro definitions. Here is how to avoid them. divert(-1) define(`foo', `Macro `foo'.') define(`bar', `Macro `bar'.') divert => This is a common programming idiom in `m4'. File:, Node: Undivert, Next: Divnum, Prev: Divert, Up: Diversions Undiverting output ================== Diverted text can be undiverted explicitly using the builtin `undivert': undivert(opt NUMBER, ...) which undiverts the diversions given by the arguments, in the order given. If no arguments are supplied, all diversions are undiverted, in numerical order. The expansion of `undivert' is void. divert(1) This text is diverted. divert => This text is not diverted. =>This text is not diverted. undivert(1) => =>This text is diverted. => Notice the last two blank lines. One of them comes from the newline following `undivert', the other from the newline that followed the `divert'! A diversion often starts with a blank line like this. When diverted text is undiverted, it is *not* reread by `m4', but rather copied directly to the current output, and it is therefore not an error to undivert into a diversion. When a diversion has been undiverted, the diverted text is discarded, and it is not possible to bring back diverted text more than once. divert(1) This text is diverted first. divert(0)undivert(1)dnl => =>This text is diverted first. undivert(1) => divert(1) This text is also diverted but not appended. divert(0)undivert(1)dnl => =>This text is also diverted but not appended. Attempts to undivert the current diversion are silently ignored. GNU `m4' allows named files to be undiverted. Given a non-numeric argument, the contents of the file named will be copied, uninterpreted, to the current output. This complements the builtin `include' (*note Include::.). To illustrate the difference, assume the file `foo' contains the word `bar': define(`bar', `BAR') => undivert(`foo') =>bar => include(`foo') =>BAR => File:, Node: Divnum, Next: Cleardiv, Prev: Undivert, Up: Diversions Diversion numbers ================= The builtin `divnum': divnum expands to the number of the current diversion. Initial divnum =>Initial 0 divert(1) Diversion one: divnum divert(2) Diversion two: divnum divert => ^D => =>Diversion one: 1 => =>Diversion two: 2 The last call of `divert' without argument is necessary, since the undiverted text would otherwise be diverted itself. File:, Node: Cleardiv, Prev: Divnum, Up: Diversions Discarding diverted text ======================== Often it is not known, when output is diverted, whether the diverted text is actually needed. Since all non-empty diversion are brought back on the main output stream when the end of input is seen, a method of discarding a diversion is needed. If all diversions should be discarded, the easiest is to end the input to `m4' with `divert(-1)' followed by an explicit `undivert': divert(1) Diversion one: divnum divert(2) Diversion two: divnum divert(-1) undivert ^D No output is produced at all. Clearing selected diversions can be done with the following macro: define(`cleardivert', `pushdef(`_num', divnum)divert(-1)undivert($@)divert(_num)popdef(`_num')') => It is called just like `undivert', but the effect is to clear the diversions, given by the arguments. (This macro has a nasty bug! You should try to see if you can find it and correct it.) File:, Node: Text handling, Next: Arithmetic, Prev: Diversions, Up: Top Macros for text handling ************************ There are a number of builtins in `m4' for manipulating text in various ways, extracting substrings, searching, substituting, and so on. * Menu: * Len:: Calculating length of strings * Index:: Searching for substrings * Regexp:: Searching for regular expressions * Substr:: Extracting substrings * Translit:: Translating characters * Patsubst:: Substituting text by regular expression * Format:: Formatting strings (printf-like) File:, Node: Len, Next: Index, Prev: Text handling, Up: Text handling Calculating length of strings ============================= The length of a string can be calculated by `len': len(STRING) which expands to the length of STRING, as a decimal number. len() =>0 len(`abcdef') =>6 The builtin macro `len' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Index, Next: Regexp, Prev: Len, Up: Text handling Searching for substrings ======================== Searching for substrings is done with `index': index(STRING, SUBSTRING) which expands to the index of the first occurrence of SUBSTRING in STRING. The first character in STRING has index 0. If SUBSTRING does not occur in STRING, `index' expands to `-1'. index(`gnus, gnats, and armadillos', `nat') =>7 index(`gnus, gnats, and armadillos', `dag') =>-1 The builtin macro `index' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Regexp, Next: Substr, Prev: Index, Up: Text handling Searching for regular expressions ================================= Searching for regular expressions is done with the builtin `regexp': regexp(STRING, REGEXP, opt REPLACEMENT) which searches for REGEXP in STRING. The syntax for regular expressions is the same as in GNU Emacs. *Note Syntax of Regular Expressions: (emacs)Regexps. If REPLACEMENT is omitted, `regexp' expands to the index of the first match of REGEXP in STRING. If REGEXP does not match anywhere in STRING, it expands to -1. regexp(`GNUs not Unix', `\<[a-z]\w+') =>5 regexp(`GNUs not Unix', `\-1 If REPLACEMENT is supplied, `regexp' changes the expansion to this argument, with `\N' substituted by the text matched by the Nth parenthesized sub-expression of REGEXP, `\&' being the text the entire regular expression matched. regexp(`GNUs not Unix', `\w\(\w+\)$', `*** \& *** \1 ***') =>*** Unix *** nix *** The builtin macro `regexp' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Substr, Next: Translit, Prev: Regexp, Up: Text handling Extracting substrings ===================== Substrings are extracted with `substr': substr(STRING, FROM, opt LENGTH) which expands to the substring of STRING, which starts at index FROM, and extends for LENGTH characters, or to the end of STRING, if LENGTH is omitted. The starting index of a string is always 0. substr(`gnus, gnats, and armadillos', 6) =>gnats, and armadillos substr(`gnus, gnats, and armadillos', 6, 5) =>gnats The builtin macro `substr' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Translit, Next: Patsubst, Prev: Substr, Up: Text handling Translating characters ====================== Character translation is done with `translit': translit(STRING, CHARS, REPLACEMENT) which expands to STRING, with each character that occurs in CHARS translated into the character from REPLACEMENT with the same index. If REPLACEMENT is shorter than CHARS, the excess characters are deleted from the expansion. If REPLACEMENT is omitted, all characters in STRING, that are present in CHARS are deleted from the expansion. Both CHARS and REPLACEMENT can contain character-ranges, e.g., `a-z' (meaning all lowercase letters) or `0-9' (meaning all digits). To include a dash `-' in CHARS or REPLACEMENT, place it first or last. It is not an error for the last character in the range to be `larger' than the first. In that case, the range runs backwards, i.e., `9-0' means the string `9876543210'. translit(`GNUs not Unix', `A-Z') =>s not nix translit(`GNUs not Unix', `a-z', `A-Z') =>GNUS NOT UNIX translit(`GNUs not Unix', `A-Z', `z-a') =>tmfs not fnix The first example deletes all uppercase letters, the second converts lowercase to uppercase, and the third `mirrors' all uppercase letters, while converting them to lowercase. The two first cases are by far the most common. The builtin macro `translit' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Patsubst, Next: Format, Prev: Translit, Up: Text handling Substituting text by regular expression ======================================= Global substitution in a string is done by `patsubst': patsubst(STRING, REGEXP, opt REPLACEMENT) which searches STRING for matches of REGEXP, and substitutes REPLACEMENT for each match. The syntax for regular expressions is the same as in GNU Emacs. The parts of STRING that are not covered by any match of REGEXP are copied to the expansion. Whenever a match is found, the search proceeds from the end of the match, so a character from STRING will never be substituted twice. If REGEXP matches a string of zero length, the start position for the search is incremented, to avoid infinite loops. When a replacement is to be made, REPLACEMENT is inserted into the expansion, with `\N' substituted by the text matched by the Nth parenthesized sub-expression of REGEXP, `\&' being the text the entire regular expression matched. The REPLACEMENT argument can be omitted, in which case the text matched by REGEXP is deleted. patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `^', `OBS: ') =>OBS: GNUs not Unix patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\<', `OBS: ') =>OBS: GNUs OBS: not OBS: Unix patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\w*', `(\&)') =>(GNUs)() (not)() (Unix) patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\w+', `(\&)') =>(GNUs) (not) (Unix) patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `[A-Z][a-z]+') =>GN not Here is a slightly more realistic example, which capitalizes individual word or whole sentences, by substituting calls of the macros `upcase' and `downcase' into the strings. define(`upcase', `translit(`$*', `a-z', `A-Z')')dnl define(`downcase', `translit(`$*', `A-Z', `a-z')')dnl define(`capitalize1', `regexp(`$1', `^\(\w\)\(\w*\)', `upcase(`\1')`'downcase(`\2')')')dnl define(`capitalize', `patsubst(`$1', `\w+', `capitalize1(`\&')')')dnl capitalize(`GNUs not Unix') =>Gnus Not Unix The builtin macro `patsubst' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Format, Prev: Patsubst, Up: Text handling Formatted output ================ Formatted output can be made with `format': format(FORMAT-STRING, ...) which works much like the C function `printf'. The first argument is a format string, which can contain `%' specifications, and the expansion of `format' is the formatted string. Its use is best described by a few examples: define(`foo', `The brown fox jumped over the lazy dog') => format(`The string "%s" is %d characters long', foo, len(foo)) =>The string "The brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is 38 characters long Using the `forloop' macro defined in *Note Loops::, this example shows how `format' can be used to produce tabular output. forloop(`i', 1, 10, `format(`%6d squared is %10d ', i, eval(i**2))') => 1 squared is 1 => 2 squared is 4 => 3 squared is 9 => 4 squared is 16 => 5 squared is 25 => 6 squared is 36 => 7 squared is 49 => 8 squared is 64 => 9 squared is 81 => 10 squared is 100 The builtin `format' is modeled after the ANSI C `printf' function, and supports the normal `%' specifiers: `c', `s', `d', `o', `x', `X', `u', `e', `E' and `f'; it supports field widths and precisions, and the modifiers `+', `-', ` ', `0', `#', `h' and `l'. For more details on the functioning of `printf', see the C Library Manual. File:, Node: Arithmetic, Next: UNIX commands, Prev: Text handling, Up: Top Macros for doing arithmetic *************************** Integer arithmetic is included in `m4', with a C-like syntax. As convenient shorthands, there are builtins for simple increment and decrement operations. * Menu: * Incr:: Decrement and increment operators * Eval:: Evaluating integer expressions File:, Node: Incr, Next: Eval, Prev: Arithmetic, Up: Arithmetic Decrement and increment operators ================================= Increment and decrement of integers are supported using the builtins `incr' and `decr': incr(NUMBER) decr(NUMBER) which expand to the numerical value of NUMBER, incremented, or decremented, respectively, by one. incr(4) =>5 decr(7) =>6 The builtin macros `incr' and `decr' are recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Eval, Prev: Incr, Up: Arithmetic Evaluating integer expressions ============================== Integer expressions are evaluated with `eval': eval(EXPRESSION, opt RADIX, opt WIDTH) which expands to the value of EXPRESSION. Expressions can contain the following operators, listed in order of decreasing precedence. Unary minus Exponentiation `* / %' Multiplication, division and modulo `+ -' Addition and subtraction `<< >>' Shift left or right `== != > >= < <=' Relational operators Logical negation Bitwise negation Bitwise and Bitwise exclusive-or Bitwise or Logical and Logical or All operators, except exponentiation, are left associative. Note that many `m4' implementations use `^' as an alternate operator for the exponentiation, while many others use `^' for the bitwise exclusive-or. GNU `m4' changed its behavior: it used to exponentiate for `^', it now computes the bitwise exclusive-or. Numbers without special prefix are given decimal. A simple `0' prefix introduces an octal number. `0x' introduces an hexadecimal number. `0b' introduces a binary number. `0r' introduces a number expressed in any radix between 1 and 36: the prefix should be immediately followed by the decimal expression of the radix, a colon, then the digits making the number. For any radix, the digits are `0', `1', `2', .... Beyond `9', the digits are `a', `b' ... up to `z'. Lower and upper case letters can be used interchangeably in numbers prefixes and as number digits. Parentheses may be used to group subexpressions whenever needed. For the relational operators, a true relation returns `1', and a false relation return `0'. Here are a few examples of use of `eval'. eval(-3 * 5) =>-15 eval(index(`Hello world', `llo') >= 0) =>1 define(`square', `eval(($1)**2)') => square(9) =>81 square(square(5)+1) =>676 define(`foo', `666') => eval(`foo'/6) error-->51.eval:14: m4: Bad expression in eval: foo/6 => eval(foo/6) =>111 As the second to last example shows, `eval' does not handle macro names, even if they expand to a valid expression (or part of a valid expression). Therefore all macros must be expanded before they are passed to `eval'. If RADIX is specified, it specifies the radix to be used in the expansion. The default radix is 10. The result of `eval' is always taken to be signed. The WIDTH argument specifies a minimum output width. The result is zero-padded to extend the expansion to the requested width. eval(666, 10) =>666 eval(666, 11) =>556 eval(666, 6) =>3030 eval(666, 6, 10) =>0000003030 eval(-666, 6, 10) =>-000003030 Take note that RADIX cannot be larger than 36. The builtin macro `eval' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: UNIX commands, Next: Miscellaneous, Prev: Arithmetic, Up: Top Running UNIX commands ********************* There are a few builtin macros in `m4' that allow you to run UNIX commands from within `m4'. * Menu: * Syscmd:: Executing simple commands * Esyscmd:: Reading the output of commands * Sysval:: Exit codes * Maketemp:: Making names for temporary files File:, Node: Syscmd, Next: Esyscmd, Prev: UNIX commands, Up: UNIX commands Executing simple commands ========================= Any shell command can be executed, using `syscmd': syscmd(SHELL-COMMAND) which executes SHELL-COMMAND as a shell command. The expansion of `syscmd' is void, *not* the output from SHELL-COMMAND! Output or error messages from SHELL-COMMAND are not read by `m4'. *Note Esyscmd:: if you need to process the command output. Prior to executing the command, `m4' flushes its output buffers. The default standard input, output and error of SHELL-COMMAND are the same as those of `m4'. The builtin macro `syscmd' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Esyscmd, Next: Sysval, Prev: Syscmd, Up: UNIX commands Reading the output of commands ============================== If you want `m4' to read the output of a UNIX command, use `esyscmd': esyscmd(SHELL-COMMAND) which expands to the standard output of the shell command SHELL-COMMAND. Prior to executing the command, `m4' flushes its output buffers. The default standard input and error output of SHELL-COMMAND are the same as those of `m4'. The error output of SHELL-COMMAND is not a part of the expansion: it will appear along with the error output of `m4'. Assume you are positioned into the `checks' directory of GNU `m4' distribution, then: define(`vice', `esyscmd(grep Vice ../COPYING)') => vice => Ty Coon, President of Vice => Note how the expansion of `esyscmd' has a trailing newline. The builtin macro `esyscmd' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Sysval, Next: Maketemp, Prev: Esyscmd, Up: UNIX commands Exit codes ========== To see whether a shell command succeeded, use `sysval': sysval which expands to the exit status of the last shell command run with `syscmd' or `esyscmd'. syscmd(`false') => ifelse(sysval, 0, zero, non-zero) =>non-zero syscmd(`true') => sysval =>0 File:, Node: Maketemp, Prev: Sysval, Up: UNIX commands Making names for temporary files ================================ Commands specified to `syscmd' or `esyscmd' might need a temporary file, for output or for some other purpose. There is a builtin macro, `maketemp', for making temporary file names: maketemp(TEMPLATE) which expands to a name of a non-existent file, made from the string TEMPLATE, which should end with the string `XXXXXX'. The six `X''s are then replaced, usually with something that includes the process id of the `m4' process, in order to make the filename unique. maketemp(`/tmp/fooXXXXXX') =>/tmp/fooa07346 maketemp(`/tmp/fooXXXXXX') =>/tmp/fooa07346 As seen in the example, several calls of `maketemp' might expand to the same string, since the selection criteria is whether the file exists or not. If a file has not been created before the next call, the two macro calls might expand to the same name. The builtin macro `maketemp' is recognized only when given arguments. File:, Node: Miscellaneous, Next: Frozen files, Prev: UNIX commands, Up: Top Miscellaneous builtin macros **************************** This chapter describes various builtins, that do not really belong in any of the previous chapters. * Menu: * Errprint:: Printing error messages * M4exit:: Exiting from m4 File:, Node: Errprint, Next: M4exit, Prev: Miscellaneous, Up: Miscellaneous Printing error messages ======================= You can print error messages using `errprint': errprint(MESSAGE, ...) which simply prints MESSAGE and the rest of the arguments on the standard error output. The expansion of `errprint' is void. errprint(`Illegal arguments to forloop ') error-->Illegal arguments to forloop => A trailing newline is *not* printed automatically, so it must be supplied as part of the argument, as in the example. (BSD flavored `m4''s do append a trailing newline on each `errprint' call). To make it possible to specify the location of the error, two utility builtins exist: __file__ __line__ which expands to the quoted name of the current input file, and the current input line number in that file. errprint(`m4:'__file__:__line__: `Input error ') error-->m4:56.errprint:2: Input error => File:, Node: M4exit, Prev: Errprint, Up: Miscellaneous Exiting from `m4' ================= If you need to exit from `m4' before the entire input has been read, you can use `m4exit': m4exit(opt CODE) which causes `m4' to exit, with exit code CODE. If CODE is left out, the exit code is zero. define(`fatal_error', `errprint(`m4: '__file__: __line__`: fatal error: $* ')m4exit(1)') => fatal_error(`This is a BAD one, buster') error-->m4: 57.m4exit: 5: fatal error: This is a BAD one, buster After this macro call, `m4' will exit with exit code 1. This macro is only intended for error exits, since the normal exit procedures are not followed, e.g., diverted text is not undiverted, and saved text (*note M4wrap::.) is not reread. File:, Node: Frozen files, Next: Compatibility, Prev: Miscellaneous, Up: Top Fast loading of frozen states ***************************** Some bigger `m4' applications may be built over a common base containing hundreds of definitions and other costly initializations. Usually, the common base is kept in one or more declarative files, which files are listed on each `m4' invocation prior to the user's input file, or else, `include''d from this input file. Reading the common base of a big application, over and over again, may be time consuming. GNU `m4' offers some machinery to speed up the start of an application using lengthy common bases. Presume the user repeatedly uses: m4 base.m4 input.m4 with a varying contents of `input.m4', but a rather fixed contents for `base.m4'. Then, the user might rather execute: m4 -F base.m4f base.m4 once, and further execute, as often as needed: m4 -R base.m4f input.m4 with the varying input. The first call, containing the `-F' option, only reads and executes file `base.m4', so defining various application macros and computing other initializations. Only once the input file `base.m4' has been completely processed, GNU `m4' produces on `base.m4f' a "frozen" file, that is, a file which contains a kind of snapshot of the `m4' internal state. Later calls, containing the `-R' option, are able to reload the internal state of `m4''s memory, from `base.m4f', *prior* to reading any other input files. By this mean, instead of starting with a virgin copy of `m4', input will be read after having effectively recovered the effect of a prior run. In our example, the effect is the same as if file `base.m4' has been read anew. However, this effect is achieved a lot faster. Only one frozen file may be created or read in any one `m4' invocation. It is not possible to recover two frozen files at once. However, frozen files may be updated incrementally, through using `-R' and `-F' options simultaneously. For example, if some care is taken, the command: m4 file1.m4 file2.m4 file3.m4 file4.m4 could be broken down in the following sequence, accumulating the same output: m4 -F file1.m4f file1.m4 m4 -R file1.m4f -F file2.m4f file2.m4 m4 -R file2.m4f -F file3.m4f file3.m4 m4 -R file3.m4f file4.m4 Some care is necessary because not every effort has been made for this to work in all cases. In particular, the trace attribute of macros is not handled, nor the current setting of `changeword'. Also, interactions for some options of `m4' being used in one call and not for the next, have not been fully analyzed yet. On the other end, you may be confident that stacks of `pushdef''ed definitions are handled correctly, so are `undefine''d or renamed builtins, changed strings for quotes or comments. When an `m4' run is to be frozen, the automatic undiversion which takes place at end of execution is inhibited. Instead, all positively numbered diversions are saved into the frozen file. The active diversion number is also transmitted. A frozen file to be reloaded need not reside in the current directory. It is looked up the same way as an `include' file (*note Search Path::.). Frozen files are sharable across architectures. It is safe to write a frozen file one one machine and read it on another, given that the second machine uses the same, or a newer version of GNU `m4'. These are simple (editable) text files, made up of directives, each starting with a capital letter and ending with a newline (NL). Wherever a directive is expected, the character `#' introduces a comment line, empty lines are also ignored. In the following descriptions, LENGTHs always refer to corresponding STRINGs. Numbers are always expressed in decimal. The directives are: `V NUMBER NL' Confirms the format of the file. NUMBER should be 1. `C LENGTH1 , LENGTH2 NL STRING1 STRING2 NL' Uses STRING1 and STRING2 as the beginning comment and end comment strings. `Q LENGTH1 , LENGTH2 NL STRING1 STRING2 NL' Uses STRING1 and STRING2 as the beginning quote and end quote strings. `F LENGTH1 , LENGTH2 NL STRING1 STRING2 NL' Defines, through `pushdef', a definition for STRING1 expanding to the function whose builtin name is STRING2. `T LENGTH1 , LENGTH2 NL STRING1 STRING2 NL' Defines, though `pushdef', a definition for STRING1 expanding to the text given by STRING2. `D NUMBER, LENGTH NL STRING NL' Selects diversion NUMBER, making it current, then copy STRING in the current diversion. NUMBER may be a negative number for a non-existing diversion. To merely specify an active selection, use this command with an empty STRING. With 0 as the diversion NUMBER, STRING will be issued on standard output at reload time, however this may not be produced from within `m4'. File:, Node: Compatibility, Next: Concept index, Prev: Frozen files, Up: Top Compatibility with other versions of `m4' ***************************************** This chapter describes the differences between this implementation of `m4', and the implementation found under UNIX, notably System V, Release 3. There are also differences in BSD flavors of `m4'. No attempt is made to summarize these here. * Menu: * Extensions:: Extensions in GNU m4 * Incompatibilities:: Facilities in System V m4 not in GNU m4 * Other Incompat:: Other incompatibilities File:, Node: Extensions, Next: Incompatibilities, Prev: Compatibility, Up: Compatibility Extensions in GNU `m4' ====================== This version of `m4' contains a few facilities, that do not exist in System V `m4'. These extra facilities are all suppressed by using the `-G' command line option, unless overridden by other command line options. * In the `$'N notation for macro arguments, N can contain several digits, while the System V `m4' only accepts one digit. This allows macros in GNU `m4' to take any number of arguments, and not only nine (*note Arguments::.). * Files included with `include' and `sinclude' are sought in a user specified search path, if they are not found in the working directory. The search path is specified by the `-I' option and the `M4PATH' environment variable (*note Search Path::.). * Arguments to `undivert' can be non-numeric, in which case the named file will be included uninterpreted in the output (*note Undivert::.). * Formatted output is supported through the `format' builtin, which is modeled after the C library function `printf' (*note Format::.). * Searches and text substitution through regular expressions are supported by the `regexp' (*note Regexp::.) and `patsubst' (*note Patsubst::.) builtins. * The output of shell commands can be read into `m4' with `esyscmd' (*note Esyscmd::.). * There is indirect access to any builtin macro with `builtin' (*note Builtin::.). * Macros can be called indirectly through `indir' (*note Indir::.). * The name of the current input file and the current input line number are accessible through the builtins `__file__' and `__line__' (*note Errprint::.). * The format of the output from `dumpdef' and macro tracing can be controlled with `debugmode' (*note Debug Levels::.). * The destination of trace and debug output can be controlled with `debugfile' (*note Debug Output::.). In addition to the above extensions, GNU `m4' implements the following command line options: `-F', `-G', `-I', `-L', `-R', `-V', `-W', `-d', `-l', `-o' and `-t'. *Note Invoking m4::, for a description of these options. Also, the debugging and tracing facilities in GNU `m4' are much more extensive than in most other versions of `m4'. File:, Node: Incompatibilities, Next: Other Incompat, Prev: Extensions, Up: Compatibility Facilities in System V `m4' not in GNU `m4' =========================================== The version of `m4' from System V contains a few facilities that have not been implemented in GNU `m4' yet. * System V `m4' supports multiple arguments to `defn'. This is not implemented in GNU `m4'. Its usefulness is unclear to me. File:, Node: Other Incompat, Prev: Incompatibilities, Up: Compatibility Other incompatibilities ======================= There are a few other incompatibilities between this implementation of `m4', and the System V version. * GNU `m4' implements sync lines differently from System V `m4', when text is being diverted. GNU `m4' outputs the sync lines when the text is being diverted, and System V `m4' when the diverted text is being brought back. The problem is which lines and filenames should be attached to text that is being, or has been, diverted. System V `m4' regards all the diverted text as being generated by the source line containing the `undivert' call, whereas GNU `m4' regards the diverted text as being generated at the time it is diverted. I expect the sync line option to be used mostly when using `m4' as a front end to a compiler. If a diverted line causes a compiler error, the error messages should most probably refer to the place where the diversion were made, and not where it was inserted again. * GNU `m4' makes no attempt at prohiting autoreferential definitions like: define(`x', `x') define(`x', `x ') There is nothing inherently wrong with defining `x' to return `x'. The wrong thing is to expand `x' unquoted. In `m4', one might use macros to hold strings, as we do for variables in other programming languages, further checking them with: ifelse(defn(`HOLDER'), `VALUE', ...) In cases like this one, an interdiction for a macro to hold its own name would be a useless limitation. Of course, this leave more rope for the GNU `m4' user to hang himself! Rescanning hangs may be avoided through careful programming, a little like for endless loops in traditional programming languages. * GNU `m4' without `-G' option will define the macro `__gnu__' to expand to the empty string. On UNIX systems, GNU `m4' without the `-G' option will define the macro `__unix__', otherwise the macro `unix'. Both will expand to the empty string.